Animal Companion Stat & Progression

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Exaercase, Jul 16, 2007.

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  1. Exaercase

    Exaercase Member

    May 22, 2007
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    i'm sorry but i'm not very great in english so i haven't understand your question.

    but i could say i'm not a moddeur i just use proto in basic form so .....
    I'm novice in this game :d

    See you
  2. Daniel

    Daniel Established Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    je crois qu'il demande dans quelle mesure la montée en niveau du compagnon animal affecte les xp gagnés (vu qu'ils dépendent du niveau du perso dans la 3eme édition)

    * Can't promise I can always help translate as I'm basically just passing by, but don't hesitate to pm me guys. *

  3. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    hey nice team work guys.
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    This place is just crawlin' with Canadians anymore...:heart:
  5. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Merci, j'ai fait quelques etudes a l'universite de Liege mais je parle fransais comme une vache espagnole!

    Si vous avez raison, il faut changer la montee en niveau. Malheuresement, je peut pas y faire. Mais peut-etre je peut apprendre comment y faire....
  6. Exaercase

    Exaercase Member

    May 22, 2007
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    For now i'll post in French and english so if someone who master more me the two language see error it could correct it.

    Now i'll try to explain why it's difficult to do ToEE use the Animal Progression of Official AD&D Rule.
    Donc je vais essayer d'expliquer pourquoi il me semble difficile de rendre la progression Animale de ToEE identique à celle des règles officiel d'AD&D.

    First the Official Progression Chart :
    Pour commencer voila la table officiel de Progression :

    [FONT="Courier New"]
    Class Level   Bonus HD   Natural Armor Adj.   Str/Dex Adj.   Bonus Tricks   Special
    1st-2nd          +0            +0                   +0            1         Link, share spells
    3rd-5th          +2            +2                   +1            2         Evasion
    6th-8th          +4            +4                   +2            3         Devotion
    9th-11th         +6            +6                   +3            4         Multiattack
    12th-14th        +8            +8                   +4            5
    15th-17th        +10           +10                  +5            6         Improved evasion
    18th-20th        +12           +12                  +6            7
    Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the animal companion’s base attack and
    base save bonuses. An animal companion’s base attack bonus is the same as
    that of a druid of a level equal to the animal’s HD. An animal companion has
    good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals
    the animal’s HD). An animal companion gains additional skill points and feats for
    bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster’s Hit Dice. 
    So as you see many things are differents between Ad&D and ToEE :
    1. In ToEE the the Atk Bns and Save Bns is base on the Druid direct level (Niv -3 for the Animal gain at level 4 et Niv-3 for the Ranger). . In Ad&D is not this rule , the Atk&Save Bns is base on the HD Level of the Animal it's a major change !!!! So in Ad&D no bonus until Druid level 3 and in ToEE Bonus at Druid level 1 (So in ToEE Animal Companion are better than in Ad&D for the ATK and SAVE)
    NB : I just want say is a TOEE core code modification not a simple conf file mod !

    2. In ToEE Natural Armor don't increase with level !!! Not implemented in ToEE (Pereapth for compensated the Atk & Save Bns)
    NB : I think is also a core code modification :(- cause not implemented. But as HD bns and STR&DEX Bns are correctly implemented there are a chart somewhere and pereapth in this chart nat armor bns are set to 0 and just reactived it will solve the problem but i really don't find this chart in all the ToEE file :'(

    3. In ToEE no Trick netither pecial abilities (for some abilities if we could link them to the progress chart of ToEE is possible cause Feat aleardy implemented in the game.

    4. In ToEE the number of attack don't progress when the Atk Bns reach +6 (Reason is in the Core implementation of the Atk Bns progress. In ToEE the Base Atk Bonus don't Progress it's an additional Bonus (Name : Animal Companion) that is add to the base atk bonus)

    In resume :
    Atk&Sav Bns = Atk&Sav Bns of the Druid + Atk&Sav Base of the Animal
    No Additional Attk when Atk reach +6 :(
    HD & Str&Dex Bns = Normal AD&D Progress
    No Natural Armour progress :'(
    No Trick and Special Abilities

    Donc comme vous pouvez le voir il y a pas mal de différences entre Ad&D et ToEE :
    1. Dans ToEE les Bonus d'Attaques et de Sauvegardes sont basés directement sur le Niveau du Druide (Niv -3 pour les Animaux de niveau 4 et Niv-3 pour le Ranger). Dans les règles officielles d'Ad&D c'est totalement différent. Les Bonus Atk&Save sont basées sur le niveau d'HD de l'Animal c'est une différence MAJEURE !!!! Donc dans les règles officielles d'A&D les animaux de compagnies n'ont pas de bonus jusqu'aux niveaux 3 du Druide alors que dans ToEE les Bonus commence dès le niveau 1 du Druide (Il en résulte que dans ToEE les Compagnons Animaux sont plus puissant pour tout ce qui est Attaque et Sauvegarde que dans Ad&D )
    NB : Je voudrais rajouter que ce fonctionnement est implémenter directement dans le cœur du programme de TOEE, pour changer cela ce ne pourra pas être une simple modification de Fichiers de Paramètres !

    2. Dans ToEE Natural Armor NE PROGRESSE PAS !!!. Cela n'a pas été implémenté dans ToEE (Peut-être pour compense le plus haut niveau de Bonus d'Atk & Save Bns)
    NB : Je pense que cela doit aussi être une modification de code car ça n'a du tout bonnement pas du être pris en compte par les développeur :(-, mais vu que les HD et STR&DEX Bonus au format AD&D sont implémenter correctement dans ToEE, c'est qu'il doit exister un fichier de configuration et si par chance les développeurs on juste désactivé le Natural Armor en mettant 0 partout pour compenser les Bonus d'attaque et de Sauvegarde il suffirait alors de modifier ce paramètre mais j'y crois pas trop :(. Par contre si un tel fichier de paramètre existe je ne l'ai pas trouvé et pourtant j'ai cherché :(, mais encore une fois je suis débutant sur ce jeu.

    3. Dans ToEE pas de Tours ni d'Habilitées Spéciales (Pour certaine Habilitées si quelqu'un est capable de les reliées au fichier qui contient la table de progression (si quelqu'un le trouve :d) tout est possible car les Dons équivalents existent déjà dans ToEE.

    4. Dans ToEE le nombre d'attaque ne progresse pas quand on atteind +6 en attaque (C'est la facon don't c'est implementer dans ToEE qui en est la cause : la progression donne un Bonus (Appelé : Animal Companion) mais ne change pas le Bonus de Base)

    Pour Résumé :
    Atk&Sav Bns = Bonus d'Atk&Sav du Druide + Atk&Sav de Base de l'Animal
    Pas d'attaque supplémentaire quand le bonus d'attauqe atteind +6 :(
    HD & Str&Dex Bns = Progression normale d'AD&D
    Pas de Progression de la Natural Armour :'(
    Pas de Tours ni d'Habilitées Spéciales

    See you, Exa

    If someone want to correct with the french version and send me in PM i update the post :)

    NB : For Animal itself no Abilities with ??? in my post are implmented i have test many hours
    No Diease (but it's in ToEE i think you could'nt Diesae ennemy)
    No Trip
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2007
  7. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    bonjour, je le parle un peu, parseque je prend pour quatre anne a l'ecole et pour deux semester semestre a l'univeristy. Alors si tu ne parle pas tout les jours, c'est tres difficille. Cependent, Babble Peche est tres facille pour toutes la monde...

    In english
    Hello, I speak it a little, because I took it for 4 years in school and 2 semesters in college. But, if you do not speak it every day, it is very difficult. However, Babble Fish is easy for the whole world to use.
  8. Exaercase

    Exaercase Member

    May 22, 2007
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    What the meaning of Babble Fish ??????

    Else fun to read some french :D one time i've think all the english world hate french :'( but we are a kind contry :D.

    See youuuu
  9. Exaercase

    Exaercase Member

    May 22, 2007
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    I'm not sureunderstand the question (not a translation problem but a meaning problem) so i'll respond that i've understand :

    Animal don't gain level in sens of AD&D (= HD progress) in ToEE they gain just Bonus when the Druid progress in level (See ingame you will see the base value never progress but they are bonus (name Animal Companion Bonus) that progress)

    but i know in ToEE animal companion gain HD bonus but :
    1. The Atk Bonus a Save Bonus are not link to them unlike in AD&D
    2. HD Gain is a Bonus HP not a HD progress and a clue of that is if you have the Co8 MAX HP by Level actif your Animal have it's Max HP at the start but when they gain HD Bns it's a random value not the MAX so it's not a level GAIN !!! just a bonus to the HP

    See you
  10. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    The reason why the English hate French is because
    they influenced their language very strongly. ;) I for
    one am thankful for the Norman conquest (apart from
    people dying, and such) due to the fact English is now
    the way it is. It would sound very germanic, if it weren't
    for you guys. Germanic languages are too inflectional
    and there's too much inversion involved. ;) On the other
    hand Polish has over 100 inflectional ending, try learning
  11. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    BabbleFish is accessable from and it is a language translation tool... does a pretty good job however you have to proof read the returned content for accuracy.

    (I use it in international correspondance for freight forwarding)

    from BabelFish

    BabbleFish est accessable d' et c'est un outil de traduction de langue... fait un travail très bon cependant que vous devez imperméabiliser lisez le contenu retourné pour l'exactitude.
  12. Exaercase

    Exaercase Member

    May 22, 2007
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    I've add this on the reply on progress :

    4. In ToEE the number of attack don't progress when the Atk Bns reach +6 (Reason is in the Core implementation of the Atk Bns progress. In ToEE the Base Atk Bonus don't Progress it's an additional Bonus (Name : Animal Companion) that is add to the base atk bonus)
  13. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    My parents are both English Teachers(not much of that skill rubbed off on me tho) - as in teach English as a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or 5th) language. One of Mums students once commented that english was just a compilation of foreign words badly pronounced.

    The reason is cos Edward III was the rightful heir to the french throne, not Philip VI who was crowned in 1328 :poke:

    Its also cos the english are uncouth barbarians and the french are stuck up snobs ;)
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Meh - the whole northern hemisphere is suspect if you ask me ;)

    All these languages were influenced by Latin - people should just speak that. If its good enough for ALMIGHTY GOD...
  15. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I thought he spoke in Arabic.
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