Alternates to Gameplay

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by WinstonShnozwick, Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Hello everyone :) Hoping to spark some discussion here with a topic I think is interesting. Fun to say the least. In game, I think outside the box sometimes, and I've found entertainment through other things besides playthrough. There's the standard two, power gaming and role playing, but I mean other, perhaps smaller things.

    For example, I love the world in ToEE (greatly expanded thanks to the wonderful work of our generous modders), and I explore it completely given the chance. I like to RP and pretend different places have different meanings, and set up bases in other areas besides Hommlet (Nulb house <3 and moathouse tower). I've enjoyed my ruling over the temple levels after I've cleared them out, sleeping over at wonnilon's room and taking over Romag's room for my own.

    Another one is hoarding. I simply can't stop it in most cases. I RP'ed in my Half orc party a while ago where I sold all items I found except ones that specifically would be useful for battle. However I almost always grab and seek out each and every one jewel, gem, and precious stone I find in my travels. I stash them in a chest somewhere like the castle or extraplanar. I recall in one of my more recent saves that I got so greedy for the shiny stones that I made several trips to the jewlers in Hommlet and Verbobonc, and bought all of their goods. Also, my hoarding isn't just restricted to priceless minerals. I collect high profile and/or powerful weapons, the higher the sell price the more value and chance that I keep them. I never can use them all, but I enjoy having a nice display of my war trophies.

    Anyone else look for entertainment in different areas of the game? Share your stories, I'll try to think of more tomorrow.
  2. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Well I tend to play with the "Cross over" idea of bringing my friends and I over to the Co8 world with (Close to our) real life Stats. Talk about an "everyman" party!

    Normally I include a (nowhere in gameplay) goal of rescuing someone from this Earth that Zuggy stole that is precious to me (wife, daughter, both or even wife with unborn child/twins -Zuggy and my wife both like the number 2) so she could sacrifice them in some future time, when she get's done collecting them from different realms, to free herself.

    There is another thread about that, on this though.
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