A quick 'thank you'

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Medicine Man, Jan 3, 2004.

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  1. Medicine Man

    Medicine Man Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I just wanted to pop in and thank the Circle of Eight modders and Shin in particular for the Co8 fan mod and the looting fix, respectively.

    After hearing Meleny complain for the 1000th time about her heavy encumbrance, I was about ready to kill the missus -- in fact, I actually had to put her down once just to clean up her gear. Aside from being very annoying, the default NPC looting makes several of the hirelings totally useless (monks and rogues in particular).

    So gracias -- God willing, there will be an expansion to this game someday, and you guys will still be acting as chaperones to the developers.

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