Hi, I'm new--I've been using the Co8 modpack and lurking here for about a week--and I have a kind of silly question. Will this update be compatible with my 6.0.0 NC save? I read that you have to start a new game when first using the mod. True of updates to the modpack? Thanks!
You will need to start a new game Skittles. This update will be a new modpack install. Gaear, the new enhancements you have already mentioned, and these especially sound awesome!!! can't wait to check them out. The bard J'allan UlDragos is already tuning his lute, getting ready his pack, barbarian blade and crossbow and seeking his companions for questing this time out. The road to Hommlett beckons!! I have not played in a few weeks, been waiting for this new release. With all these recent posts turning the TOEE experience into short stories, i think i will try my hand at that this time through. We could maybe even start a thread dedicated to just that ... could generate some interesting reads for those willing to chronicle a portion of their epic journey!!
That's a fine idea. Feel free to start one, and if it catches on we'll maybe even sticky it. I too find it interesting that players are thinking this way. Less combat simulator, more RPG. :thumbsup:
Update: Having some issues getting the installer to stop doing that buggy thing where if you change installation directories it appends an extra 'Temple of Elemental Evil' to the end of the directory, e.g. GoG.com/Temple of Elemental Evil/Temple of Elemental Evil. But we should still have the modpack up at ModDB sometime tonight (GMT -5).
Actually Pishella goes all the way up to the parapet, leaving Burne and Rufus to their own devices in the upper hall. The modpacks are now sitting on the server at ModDB awaiting their nebulous 'authorization' ... keep your eyes peeled.
THANK YOU Gaear and crew with getting this up for us. I looked over all the changes and tweaks that await my next play and will be getting the mod as soon as I get home. Worth a new start over to play and have fun with it.