5.0.x Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by HobbesMG, Jul 16, 2006.

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  1. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    No thats a strange one, none of the orcs have any of lareth's items and that is the only thing I know of that triggers the assassin. I'll do a quick check. But unless the item you sold says Lareth in front of it "Lareth's Plate Boots" that encounter should not trigger.
  2. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Yeah that is what threw me off also. It is easy for me to avoid right now since I just have to sell my items to someone other then the traders, but thought it was weird, especially having a party of 3-4 lvls attacked by big mean assassin guy when they cant fight back :thumbsdow

    edited for the fact that I cant spell today hehe
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2006
  3. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Found the bug its been around since Troika, guess no one ever sold the bone armor to the Traders before. Because I hve never heard of this one until now.

    It seems that Lareths Items were used as models for some other items in the protos and no one ever removed the reference to the script that triggers the assassin. It was in the oringinal protos.tab that came with the game and spread to some items created by Co8.

    The affected items were:
    (items in Italics have been around since the Atari release)
    4137 - Staff of Fire
    4138 - Staff of Life
    4309 - Staff of Size Alteration
    4310 - Staff of Charming
    4311 - Staff of Frost
    4312 - Staff of the Woodlands
    4313 - Staff of Healing
    6158 - Half Plate
    6210 - Bone Armor
    6229 - MW Half Plate

    Good catch here is a fix and a cookie. Just extract the fix into your ToEE root directory and you can sell any of this items anywhere with no worries.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2006
  4. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Oops I guess that one was my fault, I used portraits from the portraits and voice pack for those guys, if your not using the P & V pack play file they won't have portraits.
  5. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Excellent to hear. I came on to give so more info but you don't need it. Now I just need to figure out why I keep finding weird stuff that never happened to anyone else before. The ironic thing is.... I keep feeling like I am taking the obvious paths in a lot of ways and miss stuff. It took me 4 parties and games to get hit with the target of revenge.

    Anyhow.. thanks for finding the issue and giving me (and everyone else) a fix. I was having CE withdrawls playing my good party and being nice and helpful and stuff like that... :evil_laug
  6. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    ok i hit a small problem in verbonic. when i went to enter the tunnel in the gnome quarters the door was locked and couldnt be opened. i had already talked to everyone but went back and talked to them all again but no one has a key or anything to open it. it wont allow my thief to try and pick the look so how are you we suppose to get in?
  7. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    @lord_greywolfe; What level is your rogue? what score does s/he have for dexterity? does s/he have masterwork lock picks?

    If not? WHY NOT? And another thing, why did you kill poor Nybble? What did he ever do to you?

    I'm not having a go, just poking some fun. Nybble has the key, and any decent level 5 rogue should hae no problem picking the lock (check the roll history to see how far you missed the lock DC by, if you missed by 1 - cast guidance on the rogue, if you missed by 2 - cast cats grace on him/her if you missed by 3 cast both, if you missed by 4 or more come back when your a higher level).
  8. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Not specifically a v5.0.1 issue but it's possible to kill Calmert without Terjon ever entering combat (although he does get summoned). Not sure whether it's 'fixable' or not - as I'm not sure whether it's really a bug.

    I was using a testing item (4600) and Calmert died with the first 'blow' of combat and I'm not sure how close a PC would have to be to draw Terjon into combat.
  9. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    lol well Allyx i dont have a rouge i have a bard and he is level 6 and with his gloves he has a 22 dex and yes he has masterwork lock picks and all together he has a 24 in open locks. the problem was not that he couldnt pick it but that it wouldnt let him try. it just acts as if he is trying to open it not pick it. its the same problem on all locked doors in the game. it doesnt allow a chance to pick the lock. so i can not get pass locked doors in the game.

    Nybble wouldnt give me a key i talked to him several times about taking care of the drow
  10. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Yeah, I don't know if it's some varient of the corrupt save issue with hidden doors, but I've had this issue virtualy every time I play (maybe all). Quite frustrating, but so far I have know idea what causes it. If I ever get anywhere figuring it out I'll post the info.

  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    [slaps head] D'oh, yeah there IS a problem if you get the quest from Prince Zook, then talk to Nybble after, he doesn't give the key because the quest is already accepted - I should've remembered that one.

    @rufnredde, would you mind having a go at fixing this one? I suggest either having Prince Zook givve the key if you accept the quest from him if Nybble is dead, or not allowing PC's to accept the quest from him, instead re-directing PC's to talk to Nybble if he's alive.

    Sorry lord_greywolfe, and anyone else who's had the problem.
  12. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    np Allyx at least now i know and knowing is half the battle :yes: :X
  13. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    I've never been able to click on a door and get an option to pick locks. I've always had to right click on the door with my Rogue selected and then choose Pick Locks from the Radial Menu.
  14. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    Would it be possible to make the tree in-between the two spiders in the deklo woods 'transparent'?

    The new spawn in that area often ends up beind the tree and it is rather difficult to find corpses.
  15. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 mods and fixes bug reports

    It would be easier and faster to change the x,y spawning coordinates of the wee lil' ones than to change the actual map.
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