5.0.x Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by HobbesMG, Jul 16, 2006.

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  1. ben34

    ben34 Member

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Re: 5.0.x Cumulative Mods and Fixes (CMF) Submissions Thread

    I believe I installled the new 5.0.5 mod fix because the I followed the instructions to the T, but! I do hear new music at the load screen which is good; however the current version post is still 5.0.0 is this correct for the new fix of 5.0.5? If not please let me know what the version post should read at the load screen if properly installed. thank you
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The main menu screen in ToEE should still read '5.0.0,' but in the front end, the description should say 'patched to version 5.0.5' or something like that. We don't update the in-game thing for every CMF patch.
  3. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    something like this

    Attached Files:

  4. ben34

    ben34 Member

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Ahh thank you I see
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Question: what happened to the item icon for the flaming longsword +1 that you get from the fire temple? It looks sort of like a large syringe now, or maybe a scabbard with no sword handle sticking out. Or is my portraits installation yet again biffed somehow?
  6. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Wtf...i didn't noted that, you're right.

    That's the inventory icon of the Darkblade...move it and you'll see that it has a black handle.
    How or when was changed?? And i don't have the latest CMF, just 5.0.4...
  7. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Administrative: Moved topics related to using the game tools into a separate thread, because they don't belong to the topic discussing the 5.0.x Cumulative Mods & Fixes. The new thread can be found here.

    - Agetian
  8. biobaba

    biobaba Member

    May 23, 2005
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    I played the mod last year... and til now I still cant figure out who exactly is the "Master" for the Bazzar of the Bizzar...... I tried all the stuff I can think of but I still couldnt figure it out... Any pointers would be really great!

  9. shabdez

    shabdez Member

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Hello everyone. I´m new to the board and would like to express my gratitude to all the modders out there. Thanks for your great work! Maybe you appreciate some observations I made when playing your mods.
    My game is modded and patched to CMF 5.0.5 and everything runs fine (except this quickload-ctd thing in certain areas which is quite annoying but not a show stopper). I never really played the unmodded, level-capped game, so I have to guess that at least all level 10+ content was introduced by mods and not part of the original release. Taking this in consideration, I wasn´t surprised, that the ingame help system did no longer match exactly what the game was up to after modding (not to mention the manual...). I searched the net for something like an updated spell table or reference, but couldn´t find one. I then made use of the console and rushed through each and every caster class from level one up to level twenty to examine, what spells were gained on which spell level. The results made a nice MS Excel sheet. I also noted the spell schools as given by the spell description. Hopefully the in game descriptions are up to date for this aspect.
    The first thing I realized was, that the number of spells listed in SpellList.mes is somewhat double the number of spells that you can actually access in the game. Some have different names or different attributes. Maybe this means nothing but the simple fact that it is not an Infinity Engine Game and I am therefore totally unfamiliar with all that types of files and game resources.
    The second thing then was a little more confusing. Looking at the domain spells, I found that now every domain gains a spell on each level up to level five (spell level!) - with one exception (I will point this out soon). On level six to nine, or in others words: beyond the original level cap, I couldn´t reason any pattern or system whatsoever. Gaining a spell on level six not necessarily grants you a further one on level seven. And not to gain one on level seven does not prevent you from gaining one on level eight nevertheless. Some domains don´t gain a single spell at all after level five. Two domains are quite special on 4th level: "Knowledge" has no (0!) spell here, which is the one and only exception I mentioned before, "Plant" has two spells. Also "Strength" is granted two spells on a certain level (six). And one last thing: Alignment based domains have access to "Protection from ..." spells against their opposite alignment (e.g. "Good" casts "Protection from Evil"). Elemental based domains do it vice versa with their "Dispel ..." spell (e.g. "Earth" casts "Dispel Earth"). This doesn´t make sense to me.
  10. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    -Burne's shop won't show up if you ask him about magic items to sell. Has
    anyone encountered this problem too?

    I'm using 5.0.5 and all of the newest addons.

    -OK I think I know why. Burne wanted to buy my NPC's stuff and
    he was standing too far away..
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  11. Qwinn

    Qwinn Established Member

    May 23, 2004
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    Okay, three bugs to report (in an otherwise very solid 5.0.5 experience so far):


    Actually, I just had this happen too, and I don't think that was the cause. Depending on your conversation path with him, there's more than one option that should allow you to access his store. Most of them work, one doesn't. This -is- with the "Long Anticipated Rossan (sp?) and Gremag" quest installed, btw, but I suspect it happens without it too.

    2. A variety of issues with the Tolub bar fight, including odd behavior if you get him down to exactly 0 hp, and his not giving you the reward when you win. Details here:


    3. As part of the Desperate Housewives quest, in Nulb, there are two Morgeuse's walking around. Not unusual to have both of them standing right next to one another, actually. They're identical as far as dialogue, but it looks like one might be wearing a blue shirt and another a tan shirt, that seems to be the only difference. This was there in 5.0.4 as well.

  12. Qwinn

    Qwinn Established Member

    May 23, 2004
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    Oh, one more:

    4. When you first approach Mona in Nulb, you are given the option to ask her about Serena and even buy her, even if you have never talked to Serena and have never heard the name before. Since you actually have to pass Mona to talk to Serena, I think pretty much everyone encounters this. It just seems rather odd. Up to you guys if you think it merits a fix.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Indeed it does. I'm pretty keen on getting stuff like that addressed for the next round, so keep up the reports. :yes:
  14. Qwinn

    Qwinn Established Member

    May 23, 2004
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    Heh, I'm having a good night, found another one :)

    Okay, the Assassinations quest. Talk to Skole with your intimidation character. When he offers you the job, you tell him that no, you won't do it... either you won't kill people or you don't like his attitude or whatever. And he says fine, and threatens you not to say anything to anyone.

    Then you go to Lodriss with a character with good speech skills. Get to the option where you have to tell her something about Skole. The next screen, with some good speech skill you can say "I have some valuable information about Skole, what's it worth to you?" She replies "Now why would I be paying you for unfounded rumors. You got anything to show me?" And you get the option: "How about this? [show her Skole's gem]". Skole never gave me the gem, but she'll agree it's his and all that. The other option is "Look, he wants you assassinated, he paid me to do it", which would also be a lie at this point, and without the gem she doesn't believe you anyway.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  15. Qwinn

    Qwinn Established Member

    May 23, 2004
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    Um, gots another couple, sorry *hide*

    6. The bug regards Jenelda in the brothel. Basically, you can pay for her services after the quest involving her has been completed via Riana, at which point the only dialog option with her is "The madam didn't send you up, did she?" (even though she did)


    Enter the brothel for the first time, and talk to the Madam, and she tells you about her problems with Rinia and Jenelda. Say you'll help with Riana. Talk to Riana about her debt. Then, before talking to the Madam again, go upstairs and talk to Jenelda, eventually she tells you she can't talk to you unless the madam sent you up. Go back to the madam, and pay off Riana's debt, completing the quest. Then ask about some action, and ask for her recommendation. She still suggests Jenelda, and will take your 50g. Go back up to Jenelda, and Jenelda says "The madam didn't send you up, did she? I can't talk to you." and all you can do is leave. You're out 50g, and you can't even bring it up with the Madam.

    Actually, I've also figured out a (bugged) way where you can not only complete the quest for both girls, but you can get Riana without paying her 500 gold debt. Here's how:

    1. Enter brothel for first time.
    2. Talk to Madam, get the quest, tell her you'll help with Riana.
    3. Talk to her again, ask about action, ask her to recommend, pay to see Jenelda.
    4. Go straight up to see Jenelda. Straighten out her issues.
    5. Go talk to Riana, tell her you'll pay her debt.
    6. Go talk to madam. You'll see options for -both- "I'd like to talk to you about Riana" and "I'd like to talk to you about Jenelda". Pick Jenelda.
    7. Complete the quest.
    8. (This part may be unnecessary). Talk to madam again, ask her to just talk. When she complains, you'll see lines for both "I fixed your problems with Jenelda" and "I fixed your problems with Riana". Basically, this demonstrates that when you completed the Jenelda quest while Riana's portion was at the point of your needing to pay her debt, it marked both as closed.
    9. Go talk to Riana, and you'll get the "I paid your debt off with the madam" and "would you like to join now" options. The 500 gold was never deducted from you. Previously pricey and mostly useless NPC is now free!

    Personally I don't see why it's not two separate quests anyway.

    EDIT: Found another easier way to get Riana for essentially free (well, 50g).

    1. Initially, pretend Riana doesn't exist. Get the quest for Jenelda, complete it via Jenelda, before ever talking to Riana.
    2. Ask madam for a recommendation, she recommends Riana, pay 50g for her.
    3. Go up to Riana, and you get the option to have her join the group, nothing about paying her debt.

    It's no more expensive than the first method, actually, since the first method you had to pay 50g to get to talk to Jenelda.

    Frankly, I think they should just be separated into two completely different quests that aren't supposed to be mutually exclusive as it is now, but make the Mickey quest available if you complete either one (so you're not forced to pay the 500g debt, which was probably the original intent).


    P.S. All of the above was using a male character only. I only just now discovered all the options with Jenelda using a female character.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
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