5.0.x Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by HobbesMG, Jul 16, 2006.

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  1. Featuri

    Featuri Maze illusionist

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Help !
    My installation is identical to Maggit's one.
    I just installed the latest mod 'signposts' from Sitra Achara.

    I have no problem in Nulb with the 'Zombie post' but something is broken in Hommlet. Hommlet-south can't be accessed :
    1) if you come directly from the world map, the central place where you normally arrive is displayed but the PC group just doesn't show. After about 10-20s the game CTD.
    2) if you go to Hommlet-north or east, there's no problem until you move towards the south central place area. If you do, same as above, after a while, the game CTD.

    Sometimes 2 strange shimmering sphere spell-like effects are displayed to the right and left of the central place. Once, in a case without the shimmering effects, I was able to escape/quit the game without (probably before) crashing.
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Well, first off, try clearing your map cache and see if that helps.

    Second, did you move the files from Ted's mod to the right place? In his zip he has a folder called "data.Co8-5.0.0", whose content should be moved to the ordinary data folder. In particular, the post uses a mesh from there (10171).

    Third, did you load a savegame saved in the Hommlet outdoors? That might mess it up - if that's the case, go to the folder: modules\Co8-5.0.0\maps\Map-2-Hommlet-Exterior
    and remove the file 402653193.sec
    reload the save, go inside a building, resave, return that file to the folder, and reload. Tell me if that work.
    I'll also add a warning in the CMF about this.
  3. Featuri

    Featuri Maze illusionist

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    1) If you mean clearing the pyc files, then yes I did it (always before installing new mods) and I always launch the game with 'clean game cache on startup' option on.
    2) Likewise, I had already moved Ted's files in the right data folders.
    3) My save was in the temple area (just next to the temple's door).

    I experimented starting a new game and encoutered no problem with hommlet signpost. So the issue is definitively related to my save. I'll try other actions and let you know what I find.
  4. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Actually, I mean in the modules\co8.5.0.0\maps. There should be a whole bunch of files with names like 'ys-qc2-oyjC-pvgrcrT-gdvgricV-oyjC-9-enZ' or '3 enZ xgnqgrqcJ'. Try deleting those. If that doesn't work, I'll add a warning that it might be incompatible with old saves then in the CMF.
  5. Featuri

    Featuri Maze illusionist

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    No it definitively doesn't work with my saved game. One thing I forgot to mention : I started this game directly by the LN vignette (original ToEE starting equipment and no Jade Empress' Caravan). Maybe the issue is related to that ?
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    As far as I know, that's irrelevant.

    By the way, do you happen to have more than one game going? Some near-endgame saves perhaps? Does it mess with the other saves as well, if you do?
  7. Featuri

    Featuri Maze illusionist

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Currently, I have only one game going on and so only one saved game. Older games have been deleted before starting this one. Even if it's a normal game, I play it like an ironman game, saving in the same spot after each combat whatever the issue ... except a total party killed of course ;)
  8. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods and Fixes (CMF) Submissions Thread

    Sorry for the offtopic again, but
    I have to tell people about that,
    At this point it is impossible to use
    both mods of Cuchulainn and Shiningted
    at the same time since both change
    protos.tab. Even if one installs the mod by
    Ted and the one by Cuchulainn one will
    be able to choose new feats but will NOT gain bonuses
    from them because of the discrepancies in protos.tab.

    Move it to CMF bugs or something, I guess.

    My question would be, if you knew it belonged in this thread, then why did you post it in the other one? -Cerulean the Blue

    Dunno, just wanted to warn people since not
    many read bug submissions ;) After some time
    the word has been spread I've decided to ask some
    of the mods to move it. ;) Hope I weren't a pain in the
    ass.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2006
  9. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Don't know if this should go to Atari bugs or CMF but:
    -Lodriss attacks the party when you tell Skole that
    you have revealed (and she believed you) his plan
    and helps him to fight you!

    -A fascinated creature is still fascinated even if it is
    hit by a cleaving attack.

    -Mickey goes back to Nulb at night after doing the quest
    for Mona and Ophelia promising that he's never came back
    there. (A minor one, but still a bug)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2006
  10. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    This is an Atari bug, as I've run into it from time to time pre-Co8 patches. It only seems to happen occaisionally, but boy is it annoying when it does.
  11. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Re: 5.0.1 & 5.0.2 Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    I'm doing 5.0.2 and no Deklow Grove kobolds, no BlackJay ring in frogs, no dialouge with Mona for the orb. No Mickey. Dala took the EarthTemple robe off my wizard. Wierd stuff. No thief encounter. She's wearing the Earth robe and the wizard is in her bluemystic. Never seen nothing like this.
  12. Jadefang

    Jadefang Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I'm having a problem related to levelling up. Whenever I level up a char at level 3, 6, 9, etc. (specifically, the levels where you get a new Feat), if I pick the class level in Rogue, as soon as I click on the Feats button, the game crashes to desktop.

    What's odd is if I pick any other class, pressing Feats will go as normal, even if the character had prior levels in Rogue. It's a unique case that only happens if you select Rogue and then go to Feats.

    I'm currently running 5.0.3, and had started a fresh game.
  13. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Be sure to start the game through Front-End or if
    you are not running the game through it copy temple.dll
    present in the folder \modules\co8.5.0.0 into your root
  14. ShadowDragoon

    ShadowDragoon Advocate of Vengence

    Dec 25, 2004
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    They made a new fix to the Rogue class related to level-ups in the 5.0.3, didn't they? Maybe somebody FUBAR'd it and broke more than what they fixed...
  15. Jesse Heinig

    Jesse Heinig Established Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    I believe I have a fix that addresses the Heroes' Feast bug. Check the new version in my spells thread (below) and test it out!
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