I have been pondering a Neutral party of all warriors and a bard. I am trying to think of the consequences of this type of party, including how many NPC slots I will need to keep open - I am guessing two. Here are some other concerns: Recommendation for game version: 3.0.4 => 5.5.0? (or Orion's, Vicks&Wedge's, Sitra's?) I would like to avoid bringing cleric, wiz/sor, rogue; might bring Meleny sometimeselvicthr any alternatives to knock / open locks / cross-class skill? Should I make the #PCs smaller than six so they can level up faster? Any opinion on using Expertise / Fighting Defensively often to reduce need of healing? How to handle Secret Doors? I look forward to friendly feedback (and from GA8too)!
Do you mean all fighter types or that the entire party can melee? Are you willing to multi-class? I assume by GA8too, you mean me, as the GA8 model is obsolete. Come to think of it, the GA82 model is too. Half my GA email is from the alumni organization.
Yup, pretty much Fighters and 2 rangers, maybe a barbarian. I'd rather not multiclass them. The bard is the Arab. The Northmen can train him as a fighter when the bard class becomes useless after level 8, I believe
Sure, or the Rangers. They would be cross-classed for thieving, of course. I was just trying to think of another way to deal with that stuff. Too bad we just can't smash the chests.
First thing I thought of. Seems moddable. How about more more than one bard? Or the bard is higher level? A lot of people seemed to have come up with with ways to squeeze extra skills out of thuggish types. Additionally, I'm pretty sure there have been all fighter parties run through in the past. Perhaps they can point out the bottlenecks.
It occurred to me that I will need Desperate Housewives for the experience and the Sandlewood box. I am therefore considering another go at Sitra's Reactive Temple/Trader's mod. Is there another mod that you recommend? Usually I play with point-buy, but I am wondering if it will be feasible this time. I forget. What is the deal with Ironman?
I recommend cheating the Bard, cobble together 4 other fighter-types, and go. Restart if you really need to change something. IMHO, Sitra's mod runs better with 5.0.5. EDIT: Ironman doesn't work.
What was your impression of Vicks & Wedge's Mod? Can it be combined with DH if I use my old Frontend installation? Edit: Ha! It seems that I don't have the old version of that mod for old FE anymore.
I used 4 barbarians and a driud. Eventually joined up with Zaxis, and after a slow start reached 11th level before even clearing out the 2nd level of the temple. I didn't bother with any locked chests and there are ways around locked doors.
Well, one only alternative for locked doors/chests I can think of is the Chime of Opening that Burne has - give your bard skill points in Use Magic device. A bard can also somewhat fill in for a cleric sometimes. If you have an all-fighter party, beware of some fights - prepare to have trouble with fights against creatures with DR - Jackalweres might be a problem, ochre jellys will make you cry, Balor could be an issue. Also, you won't be able to craft, so make sure you consider the consequences - choose weapons accordingly (meaning, you'll have to have someone good with longswords, bastard swords, a neutral or evil guy with warhammer specialization, etc) I am currently running a ranger and bard party, and it generally works out OK, but I really suggets giving the bard a few rogue levels - you get Open Lock and Sneak Attack. Although, with as many people as you want to have, you might not level fast enough to compensate for lack of class variety.
If you're doing a remake of the 13th warrior, (great movie). I don't remember any thieves, only fighters, fighters, and another fighter. They used hand axes, bastard swords, and the star ground down a bastard sword to make a Falchion. No clerics, there was a witch but she was on the other side.
It is still here on one of the threads. No, it's not completely compatible with everything. But I've forgotten what you have to do to get it semi-compatible with the mainstream stuff. The main changes are the three wierd charecters and a TON of magic items at start. I think you can make it TFE-X compatible by renaming a couple of files and repacking it in a third file, but I haven't tried it yet. Honestly, I would be surprised if it worked.
It will work on its own: it will not work with anything else (such as DH), as Basil has already been told on numerous occasions.