Paladin's Cove beta release, and feedback

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Jul 6, 2024.

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  1. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Thanks for looking into these. Sorry if I haven't said it yet, but I do understand if some of these are understandably lower priority. All I'm doing is pointing them out as I see them, I hope that's alright. :)

    Extraplanar Chest:
    *runs over to computer*
    Man, I had this thing for so long haha. Although I think Co8 called it a "Chest Figurine" or something when it was unidentified, but maybe I'm misremembering. Thank you! My inventory is now clear of 100000 consumables lol.

    Slipped on Ice: Hey, no worries. It wasn't hard to figure out what the indicator actually meant haha, and the mechanic itself is quite clever.

    Item hitboxes:
    Yep, that doesn't surprise me lol. Just thought it was worth mentioning.

    Pathfinding: Yeah, it is improved substantially in T+. The way things are now just makes things... ah, complicated when fighting certain enemies.

    Greathammers: That's weird, but yep, you're right, that's my fault for not checking. I recently made some characters and remembered the Greatsword proficiency, so I jumped to conclusions. See what happens when you assume things? :p

    Charged weapons:
    ...they are? Not from what I see. I don't see them on my Cleric's White Rod, and I also don't see them on the Staff of Elemental Control, Fire I just found the other day.

    Paladin spells:...that's lame. But fair enough, it's a rules thing, and I am not a Rules Wizard, so I thought something was wrong. :p

    Weird Dockhand behavior: I didn't check :/ although I didn't know that was supposed to simulate panic/surprise, I saw him running around and was like "oh god, something broke" lol especially since the Patrolmen nearby acted as normal. So in that case all is good there, I suppose.

    ...well, well, well. I know what classes to make for my PC party after Temple+ compatibility, then. :p Good to know!

    Thanks again!
  2. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Oh No!!!

    Do you keep only 5 saves and overwrite them in a circle as you adventure? If so, you may be in trouble. I get this problem from time-to-time, in all versions of the game. I don't know what causes it (but see below for a possibility). It's a horrible thing to see. Usually I just reload a save from 10-15 minutes previous, and it's gone.

    In the future, I suggest keeping a steady stream of saves with no overwriting. Usually every 1o minutes, or before each big combat, or before you enter a new map. Especially when you're testing a fragile beta release like this (I really should mention this in my notes). Yes, that means you'll have 100's of saves for each play-through. Do it. It doesn't take up a ton of space on your HD. If something like this happens, you can load a game from 5 saves ago, or 10 saves ago if it's really bad. You might lose an hour of play at the very worst, but you won't lose the whole adventure.

    The main cause of this, often, is using the console to add items with a bad proto number, then saving (like typing "give 4400", when there is no proto with number 4400). The evil part of this situation, is that the game doesn't crash when you type the bad proto number. It moves along just fine. But THEN, when you try to reload that save, the save is corrupted. I mention this, because I gave you some proto numbers for the different colored Cloaks of Luxor a few postings above. And I hope you didn't type a bad number.

    Even if that is the cause, I just don't know how to fix a corrupted saved game.

    I'm sorry if this is the end of the road for you. :( If it's any consolation, it seems like you've gone thru 95% of the game, and as of right now there's no super-satisfying conclusion you're going to miss. Just a small wrap-up and some slides, till I'm done next year.
  3. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    I do, in fact, do rotating saves. :( I thought that was good practice in these parts (as in, for CRPGs :p), but I will heed your advice for the future. I think I can recover since I have one save that isn't corrupted.

    But rest assured, it's not your fault, I didn't use your proto codes. I'll just wait for the next release for my Cloak of Luxwood to be dyed haha. It's possible I used your script-popup-clearing command but mistyped it? This one:

    from ed import *
    I've been having to use this a LOT, by the way, so I could just type it without looking it up at this point lol. But other than that, I think I might have just gotten unlucky. I will keep your advice in mind for the next playthrough; there will definitely be one! :D
  4. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I can see now they are only noted in the description for maces and clubs. When you said "weapon" I wasn't thinking of staffs and rods. I'll add them to the description for staffs and rods. Until then, you can know that staffs have 50 charges, and rods have 25 charges.

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Rotate saves?

    Isn't that taboo for ToEE in general? :eek:

    For my current play-through I have nearly 600 saved games.

    Just start at 1 and go up from there, and put a little descriptor after the number to help you remember for why you saved it at that point.
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, corrupted saves over time is something I found over long games, rotating is a bad idea.

    Re your feedback - perhaps think of every 'bug report' as a burden you are placing on Marc. Then proceed - or not - as necessary.
  7. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    When I finished Dragon Age: Origins the first time, I had about 346 named saves and the maximum rotating number of quick saves and auto saves. That's just assumed in RPGs.


    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Yeah, but that ain't ToEE with it quirks for saves; especially overwriting over games (rotating) which should be avoided.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    346 named saves sounds like he's playing it safe.

    @Legion -you probably know this, but don't use quick saves / auto saves, that's ToEE 101.
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    The 346 named saves were just for the Origins campaign, not its expansion Awakening nor any of the DLC missions. I agree that this number was sorta low since I could've reused less of them.
  11. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    @marc1967 for your interest, I was perusing the Atari buglist and found an answer to your earlier question. It is Greater Invisibility that triggers the unlimited Attacks of Opportunity (Atari Bug 57), and the behavior was corrected in Temple+. Soooooo maybe the Wererats need to be re-tuned in the meantime. :p
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
  12. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Thanks for that info. That makes sense now. I think an assassin on the porch of the Elder's House had Greater Invisibility, during the war of the golden skull. That's where I remember it happening.
  13. Longtooth

    Longtooth Member

    Jan 11, 2025
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    hi, I just played Paladin's Cove for a while, I so excited to know a new mod for old game. ToEE still alive. This is perfect mob, but i found some bugs in combat system:
    1. Spell's DC seem to be... randomly, not base on ability, sometime very low, some so power;
    2. Monsters seem alway have high roll dice (around 16-20) and my PCs get low roll dice (1-6) (may be creator wanna more challenge :D).
    3. Paladin class immu to fear but still get fear and runaway.
    I still stuck in starting some quest Chapter 2: retrieving the merchant's gems in swarm - can not kill green dragon. I play Ironman Mode.
  14. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Glad your enjoying it, and you got to Chapter 2!

    Keep in mind this is still a first beta release, and very much a work-in-progress project. So bugs are to be expected. With that in mind, please, please do NOT play in Ironman Mode. Especially for this mod, right now.

    You're going to have to give me some specific examples to check on. I can assure you the DC for spells are not randomly generated, but based on internal statistics. A spell's DC will be:
    10 + the level of the spell + bonus for the relevant ability (Intelligence for a wizard, Charisma for a sorcerer or bard, or Wisdom for a cleric, druid, paladin, or ranger).

    This can be adjusted up with feats like SPELL FOCUS that can add +1 to the number.

    Some creatures who cast spell like abilities (but aren't spell casters with a class) will have a DC set in the Monster Manual, and don't follow the formula above. That may seem "random" at times, but is taken from the rules.​

    Those combat die rolls are completely generated internally by the game engine. I actually wouldn't even know how to alter them in that way, without digging into the DLL files like Temple+ does. I'm not that advanced. So, no, I'm not interfering with those rolls at all.

    I'm assuming you're talking about the dragon's fear effect.

    That's a legit bug. I'll fix that. You'd think a mod called "Paladin's Cove" would have got that right. :rolleyes:

    In the ToEE rules engine, it seems a Paladin's fear immunity prevents the spells "Fear", "Cause Fear", and Groaning Spirit "Fear Gaze" from getting to him at all, so he doesn't even get to the saving throw step. A floater will come over him that says "Unaffected due to Aura of Courage". This is not done in the spell's script, but some internal thing that "cuts it off at the pass" before it even gets there. So, the way the game is programmed (not my mod, but the original game), he's NOT actually immune to fear, but to certain spells that target him.

    So, I'll have to put the immunity into the script itself for the dragon's fear.

    Again, this is still in testing, so if I made that Dragon too powerful I'll look into it.

    For now, in your game, if this is one of the first quest you're getting to in Chapter 2, I'll suggest you try other quests and gain a few levels. Then come back to it after you're more powerful. Also, his big "punch" is acid breath, so buff spells (or potions) like Protection From Acid and Resist Acid will help a lot.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
    Longtooth likes this.
  15. Longtooth

    Longtooth Member

    Jan 11, 2025
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    Spell DC formule is right. But i see my bard cast spell lv1 should has DC charm person= 10+ 1(lv spell)+ 3(CHA)+1(focus feat)=15, I saw sometime DC=11, DC=19. Bard song sometimes has DC=36 (Fascinate) while my bard lv5.
    I found some other bugs:
    - Rage (spell) has duration permanent.
    - Gaseous form (spell): no immu poison as description
    - Will o' Wisp has what kind of dmg can kill my cleric while Meld into Stone, not show on check log.
    - Power attack apply to range weapon
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