Co8 8.1.0 bugs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sirchet, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. Isewein

    Isewein Established Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    The engine has a lot of crashes without Temple+, I don't think that's the fault of Co8.
  2. Rizzmer

    Rizzmer Member

    Aug 22, 2024
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    I found a funny bug.

    After casting Morderkain Sword spell (7 lvl sorcerer), it died during the battle.

    For some reason I was able to loot it and equip it on my barbarian.

    And here it is (screenshot attached):

    It works as Greatsword +22

    I am also able to further enchant it (screenshot attached):

    The selling price is only 36 GP tho.

    Anyway, have fun !
    I wont use it on my 1 playthrough of co8 as it will trivialize the content.
    mazuk3 and zertzax like this.
  3. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    that's bizarre!
  4. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    That's a very interesting bug!
  5. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Multiple bugs found in the Summoning Familiar spell.

    @_doug_ reported a bug to me. It's in the spell code that traansforms your familiar from an icon in your pack, into a real creature. It's an obvious syntax error in the file Spell760 - Summon The variable prev_curr_hp is misspelled prev_currr_hp, in the 3rd line below.

        if ( prev_max_hp != 0): ## has been summoned before
            if ( hp_diff >=1 ):  ## adds gained hp if master has gained hp since last time summoned
                hp_now = prev_currr_hp + hp_diff
                hp_now = prev_curr_hp
            dam = dice_new("1d1")
            dam.num = curr_max_hp - hp_now
            if (dam.num >= 1):
                familiar_obj.damage(OBJ_HANDLE_NULL, D20DT_FORCE, dam, D20DAP_NORMAL)
    Three notes:

    1. The spell definitely crashes on that line with the undeclared variable:

    hp_now = prev_currr_hp + hp_diff

    This is invalidating the entire point of the spell. It DOES update the hit points correctly, but then crashes a few lines later. So it never increases any other stats of the familiar, such as the "to hit" values, or saving throws, or Intelligence. After it crashes, you're basically just getting a baseline level 1 familiar for the whole game, with some extra HP's.

    I'm not sure how this bug lasted this long without being noticed. Maybe people just left their familiar in their pack and never used it for attacking and scouting, so it was never noticed. Or if they DID summon it, they never bothered looking at the attack stats or saving throws during combat. I'm guilty of doing both of these. :p

    Anyway, after fixing the typo shown above, it looks like the familiar's stats do jump up appropriately as the PC levels up. And the spell now works as it was programmed to do.​

    2 . Upon examining the spell, there are other issues that need tending to.

    This includes adding the dexterity adjustment to the familiar's "to hit" value. There are others but I won't clog up the post right now.​

    3. Finally, it needs to be made clear to the player, somewhere in the game, how this spell works.

    Right now, if you just bring out the familiar at level 1, and always have him around, his stats will never increase. This bears repeating. If you just bring out the familiar at level 1, and always have him around, his stats will never increase.

    The stat increases only work if the familiar is put BACK into your pack, and THEN brought out again into the real world. This needs to be done every few levels to get the job done.

    This should be communicated to the player somehow, perhaps in a pop-up dialog when the familiar is first summoned, or at least in the familiars dialog.​

    Once I get it all spruced up for Paladin's Cove, I'll post a version here. Maybe it can make it's way into Temple+.

    Sorry this post was so long.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2024
    mazuk3, zertzax and OccasionallyGood like this.
  6. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    A quick follow-up to my post above.

    It appears the bug in note #1 above (a crash caused by a typo in a variable name) was recently fixed in Temple+. So if you are using Temple+, you won't encounter that particular problem.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
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