There was a discussion a while back about whether or not Nulb should be accessible before the Moathouse was dealt with. My argument is that the reason the game was designed this way is because the two PnP modules T1 and WG1-2 were published about six years apart. If they had been published together, good DMs could have made things appear less linear. My mod is incredibly simple. I just changed Mickey's dlg to allow him to tell you where Nulb is. I had thought about having him join your group. I remember reading a post from Sitra that the women of Nulb wink if Mickey is present. I might have interest to develop this more if the community has any interest.
Hm. I'm just starting out and know nothing of this location, but I'll try it out and see how it works out for me. Tell me where to access this guy and I'll try it out with virgin eyes.
The last time this was discussed, it was pointed out that some of the other denizens of Nulb, such as Otis, have dialogues dependant on the story state having advanced past the moathouse. Can I ask, how did you fix these?
Welcome, Visceral. Perhaps you can help me test it out with fresh eyes. Take a look if there is any strange dialog from the NPCs there. @Ted, I will do the same. Mickey is one of the workers inside the Brewery in Hommlet. He is only there during the daytime. Edit: On second thought, after reading your other posts, Viceral, I wonder if it might not be better for you to follow the advice the other members gave you about sticking to safer quests. Going to Nulb early can be very dangerous if you pick a fight there.
Don't forget Mickey plays an important role in Mona's missing Globe. Will this alteration of his dialog effect the Mona plot?
@Basil, I think that opening up Nulb in the early game would cause a lot of complications later in the game, as Ted suggested re: story states. So, this probably won't make it into the regular mod, since it would be kind of a bold change to make. Still, I would encourage you to continue to explore what you've just cracked the surface of with this edit ... there's a lot more that can be done once you've got a grip on some basics. Familiarize yourself with the concepts of flags and variables and quests and quest states and the like, and then have a look at how they function within a dialog file to get a clearer picture of ... the big picture, and how it all comes together (or doesn't, as is often the case with ToEE ). Then go from there.
I used game.fade_and_teleport to go to Nulb once to recruit Jenelda and Charlotte. I never tried any of the Nulb quests, but the protosized Jenelda and Challote worked good, and it did put Nulb on the world map. And the brothel worked. Going to Nulb real early in the game might not be such a good idea. Welkwood Bog is much better.
Gaear, I do not expect this project of mine to make it into the modpak; nevertheless, I will try my best. The dlg files that must be modified are Otis', Wat's, and the Tower Sentry's. I am trying to decide if Wat and Dick Renton should recruit the party, or if only one of them (Renton) should. I believe the Sentry and Tower encounter is the tricky and strange part. My question has always been why should the party be allowed to just enter the Tower without the Sentry telling them to open the gate? IIRC, doors in the game use a kind of invisible dialog that lets the PCs enter. Shouldn't this door, as well as others, be barred - requiring strength checks? Is this possible?
I have modified Mickey's, Otis', Wat's, and Tuperullo's dlg files. So, without completing Story State 2, Otis can now tell tell parties where the Temple is. Wat will simply brush the party off. Tuperullo can tell the party to ask Mickey about more action AFTER winning the drinking contest. I touched nothing at the Tower or the sentinel since nothing was needed. It is still possible for a party to meet Romag via Rentsch, but not Alremm via Wat. Please, any feedback is appreciated.
Has Otis' dlg file been changed in the past month? It appears to have been but I can't find any difference.
Use 'Beyond Compare' to be sure. Files may get re-saved en masse without being altered. Nice work, Basil :clap: I wouldn't personally use this mod but I applaud your initiative.
I'd really like something like this in the main mod... not necessarily go to the temple, but go to nulb for sure.