Separate names with a comma.
Hi Legion This problem was discussed recently. Please see this thread Prishella not taking the items to destroy that one importnatn round thing. |...
To each their own, I suppose :) I, for one, deeply enjoyed it. Ok, the battles "down under" were a bit repetitive ( I enjoyed how hard they were...
Some more issues with the Temple+ version: The glyph from the Rust Monster disappeared ( there's no loot at all ) When summoning Spiritual...
It is Temple+ It is the initial conversation Yes, it is repeatable ( but I can Ctrl+Alt+Del this time o_O ) The convo is like: Octavious asking...
Aha, that's it then. Not exactly on the best of terms with the dude...
Hi Doug. Please see posts 213 and 215. Thank you for all your efforts!! :)
You could still give it a go... That way we'll verify the glitches. What have you got to lose ( other than , perhaps, having to restart your...
When going to the Guildhouse and talking to Octavian, after the first couple of slides you only get number 1. as option, with no words or nothing...
The glyphs are at [SPOILER]
I've finished the game twice and still enjoying it :p First one was a bit rushed through as I was eager to see what's what. Second one was meant...
The main quest, IIRC at this stage, it requires the 5 glyphs...
For the first one, you need to [SPOILER] For the second one, [SPOILER] Hope this helps
And, btw, if you really can't find all the glyphs ( I did, wink wink ) you can [SPOILER]
I can't stress enough how important is to have ALL five glyphs . Believe you me, it worth it!! I'm not talking about receiving a gaziliion xp (...