Separate names with a comma.
There are 2 feats (spell penetration) that do just that, but there are no spells like in baldurs gate that reduce it.
on the upper most level of the temple (with the throne ) are chests with each type of robe in it
speaking of consoling i was goofing around and accidentily spawned some crazy moon ivy armor but have been unable to duplicate wat is the...
The target of a sleep spell must be lvl 4 or lower( which the bear and giant are not ), but glitterdust and taasha's ha ha are effective...
Speaking of frustrating issues, i noticed that the party still cant buy scrolls in verbobonc in 5.06. Also i was goofing around with console...
Oh dear..thats a long time. keep in mind the world comes to an end on dec. 21 2012:flamed:
What about adding hydras to the wandering monster list?.. or having wandering monsters in the temple itself... ie when not camping?. is it even...
What about feats that would benefit monsters, like awesome blow or bullrush?I realize that bullrush has no animation,and therefore not...
actually when i tried to reincarnate,jaroo said he was already dead :google: although i havent tried to raise him myself,and the spell effect...
i have a character (playing 5.5) with a permanent protection from fire spell, so i went to see jaroo to get it dispelled. not only does jaroo not...
if your playing the 5.0 mod you can buy them at jades market at the very beginning of the game,or there's a set outside the front doors in the...
no, teleport is a conjuration spell...see phb page 292. transmutation changes something into something else, which your heart to hand spell doesnt...
his heart to hand spell would be necromancy/conjuration
Here's another one i created for the same lich Blazing spear conjuration (fire) level: sor/wiz 2 casting time: 1 standard action range:...