Separate names with a comma.
Many thanks Cujo /bow
Thanks :P not a bug after all. Lil offtopic how to open console :P
Yup Ive spoken to Burne in the wathtower about the Moathouse and he just gave me location of Nulb the quest stays blue
Hello Ive serched the forum for a solution to a bug, but failed to find it anywhere.:shrug: Clear the Moathouse quest newer gets collored as...
When Hedrack was in range of Iuz the game didnt crashed. Cheers!
Yes both Iuz and Cuthbert are present.
St.Cuthbert says: "Our affairs are not for the mortal ears. Fiend of the North." Atfet this line game crashes every time /cry
During the fight with Headrack when Iuz talks with st.Cuthbert Game crashes constantly in the same conversation line. Im using th Co8 5.0.1...