Separate names with a comma.
The quest chain that grants you the +1 Holy Longsword AKA this game's version of the Holy Avenger is useful for that item, even if you sell it.
Instead of preventing PCs from doing things very above their level, I recommend warning them that the content is difficult and intended for level...
KotC1: Once I understood how the game worked, going Human Cleric x2 and Half-Elf Wizard x2 got me through. I was doing well on Hardcore (single...
RPGs and many games in general adopted a motto of 'auto heal the PCs to full out of combat' because people want to be at full resources!
I played a different 3.5 D&D video game (Knights of the Chalice) and a double Cleric, double Wizard party in that game had EVERYONE learn or start...
In short, Nightcanon gave a lot of useful info. Something to emphasize: D&D 3.x allows for a LOT of customization! I've made a full Wizard who...
In tabletop, a Cleaver can choose its next legal target in range.
Making any creature fall down or become incapacitated helps. I once beat the Balor at level 3 since it rolled a natural 1 vs. soften earth and...
I only recall needing 1 for the quest.
Regarding Righteous Might and Enlarge Person, I liked that a Cleric could have them active simultaneously for HUGE size. May we get this as a...
In AD&D 2e, your HP maxed when your HD did at level 9 or 10. In D&D 3.x and beyond, people realized that was stupid and gave people 1 HD per...
Did you use the latest Temple+ and Co8 patch?
Merry Christmas, everyone! Smile! Lord Jesus loves you! Enjoy!
The 346 named saves were just for the Origins campaign, not its expansion Awakening nor any of the DLC missions. I agree that this number was...