Separate names with a comma.
i've been playing fourth edition now since it debuted, i am currently running a temple of elemental evil campaign that has two seperate groups of...
I think that the thing we forget is that ten years ago it wasn't generally accepted when someone was gay the way it is today. I'm sure there were...
1: Dance and sing, i have a terrible voice 2: Tell a story without emblishing, i don't even do it on purpose most times, being a DM for so long...
I like to use an Elven Bard, that way he gets longbow profeciency. i usually use him as my party speaker and lock/trap smith
I used to play DDO when it first released. I was in the beta and played for like 2 1/2 years. When i got promoted at work, and then moved i kinda...
so about the crown and bow on the skeleton in the ghouls lair. on a whim i told Varis the hexblade that the crown is that of the coronals royal...
So the party was all in the tavern and the usual NPCs were there as well. Furnok was at a corner table shuffling cards, Toruko and Kobort chatting...
So this past weekend i met with the good group which i will be calling the Hommlett group from here on in. We ended up playing longer than i had...
I had one party member not able to make it, so they went on with only four, missing the deva invoker. The session started with the party...
So ran the first session with my "bad guys" group. Party consists of the folllowing: -Human Rogue, Motive is child of a veteran of the temple...
I am going to be running the first group (the bad guys) through the first session very soon, followed by the good guys two weeks later. Taldaas...
thanks for the advice. i have the access to the monsters for the hommlett 4e conversion through my DDI account, so that isn't to bad. Maybe i will...
my plan here is for strictly pnp play, i don't know if i was clear on that. I have no programming skill what so ever and this has nothing to do...
in 4e their is a game element called background, this element helps give you some guidence in regards to where your character came from. I am...
well as i said the version of the game is irrelevant to the guidenance i am seeking here. I understand the hang ups alot of people have with 4e...