Separate names with a comma.
Aha. Thanks! :) Edit: I did not get the "Prince Thrommel was in your party to help you kill Zuggtmoy" part. :( I guess it has to do with him...
I just finnished the game and I did not get an ending movie. All I got was the death scene of the end boss. But nothing about what happened...
It's the same playthrough. :P So, now I got a NEW problem. My PC got 2 "Spell Object" from the Slavers battle that just will not go away even...
Hmm, me too. Btw, I just noticed when being killed on the way to the Temple (damn that Robin Hood) that the saving works fine outside the Temple...
OK, looks like theres something wrong with the game. I loaded a game from before the save problem and there where no problem but then I got to the...
OK. In otherwords, theres nothing I can do. :( But I have already cleared out all 4 elemental temples so I only got the Great Temple and some NC...
No. You have to start a new game to play 7.5 and right now I'm in the end of the game so I want to finnish it first.
I am still having problems with the saves getting corrupt. It all started after I installed the lates patch. Everytime I quit the game and then...
After installing patch 7.4.1 I am having problems with my saves. Everytime I have quit the game and later start it again the last 3 saves gets...
Yes it was and I have re-installed them. Now it worked. I never thought of that because some of the rest of the portraits where also custom and...
It's intalled now. :) But it did have some nasty effects. My Magic Chest full of loot is now emty and one of my characters Portrait is now...
Aha, thats why. I did not know that the patch was considered an add-on.
Oh, that one. It also say 7.4.0. :/
Splash screen?
I should be but checking now I se it's 7.4.0. So I tried to patch it again and it still say 7.4.0. But checking the game folder there is one...