My Picard Theory

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shiningted, Feb 12, 2020.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    So, after watching Eps 1 and 2, I couldn't help but be struck by how much they followed (in a simple structural way) LotR. Ep 1 was A long expected party and then Ep 2, with its exposition dump about how the Romulans were behind everything and what they were working for in the past, was Shadow of the past. So I theorised last week to a client that Ep 3 would be Shortcut to Mushrooms (wherein Frodo finally puts the party together and gets moving), and I'm happy with that panning out.

    This would mean next week is the Old Forest / Barrow Downs, but I kinda suspect they're going to skip that like the movies did and go straight to At the sign of the Prancing Pony. They add another person to the crew (hopefully an ex-Borg in her painted-on uniform....) and have merry adventures at an Inn of some sort. And just miss getting murdered by ringwraiths - or having Bill Ferny do gawd knows what to them.

    ‘Morning, my little friends!’ he said to the others. ‘I suppose you know who you’ve taken up with? That’s Stick-at-naught Strider, that is! Though I’ve heard other names not so pretty. Watch out tonight!'

    o_O Really, JRR? Really?

    Anyways, that is my bold prediction.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
  2. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Nerds of a feather stick together?
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, just watched Ep 4 (every Ep 4 should be called 'A New Hope'. Of every show. Ever.)


    So... I assumed 'Freecloud' would be the Prancing Pony but I was way wrong. They never got there. So... Freecloud is apparently Rivendell, their immediate (though not ultimate) goal, and instead they landed in Vashti which was Bree.

    There actually was an Inn, and there was the Hobbit / Big People divide (Romulans and Terrans). But what was interesting was the Aragorn figure - a super-fighter raised as an orphan in an ancient household, trained to be the best but surrounded by something he could never truly be a part of. Who of course joins the party as Frodo's (I mean Picard's) body guard. Spooky. And did everyone pick up on the fact that in the past Bree, I mean Vashti, had been guarded by RANGERS??? I mean come on!!!!! But now there were all sorts of dodgy folks coming up the Greenway and causing trouble, where previously there had been refugees... o_O

    So... They were attacked, and Seven of Nine did show up (shwing!) but I won't try to jam that into my theory. That was just to end a ponderous episode with some action. Hard to say how the Soji storyline fits into it all too, I am thinking she is a Saruman figure, looks like a goody but will ultimately betray narrative expectations. Being manipulated by the Romulans (Sauron) of course.

    But... last week's predictions:
    • They add another person to the crew - check
    • (hopefully an ex-Borg in her painted-on uniform....) - check but doesn't count, as above
    • and have merry adventures at an Inn of some sort - check
    • And just miss getting murdered by ringwraiths - not really. They were attacked but only by nobodies. (that 25%-different Bird of Prey was rubbish).
    So next week... Freecloud? Or still on the road? If the latter, then it's Weathertop and Picard gets injured.

    If they make it to Freecloud, then there will be a council :) And they will meet an old friend. (Seven of Nine doesn't count - no way she is Bilbo. Or Gandalf. Glorfindol / Arwen maybe?)

    Rethinking that last one - Glorfindel was sent out. So, wtf was Seven of Nine doing there? If it turns out she was specifically sent out to find and bring Picard to Freecloud, then there you go - she's Glorfindal. Otherwise she's just very welcome fan service.

    We'll see. Trust me, I'm a modder.
  4. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I'm loving the LoTR parallelism... please keep it up!
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks. Just pondering the 'have a counccil and meet an old friend' idea - is this where they run into Riker / Troi (as per the trailers)? That would fit! Not sure what sort of council is going to happen though. Bold prediction, based more on Patrick's Stewart's p[olitical comments than the Fellowship - they end up with Gimli and Legolas too, a couple of totally non-human additions to the team, to really push the diversity envelope.

    Fun fact - Picard and Seven of Nine have never shared screen time previously, but have obviously had many years to meet. Would Locutus have sought her out as part of dealing with the aftermath of what happend to him? Would either of them have sought out Hugh? Surely she would have... I think that question will definitely be answered in good time.

    O, and when I said Seven of Nine was Glorfindal - I guess I meant, she's Arwen... so, expect her to get it on with Elnor at some point :) I think their candor will attract them to each other.

    (Notice Elnor is practically an anagram of Elrond? But then it could also be referencing L Ron Hubbard, since there was also a reference to the Ellison spaceship in there - they could just be mining classic sci fi names. They've had Asimov too).
  6. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    So, movie Arwen, then?
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yes, exactly.

    Brief update, for anyone interested in Picard: I saw somewhat of an interview with Jeri Ryan, and she debunked everything I just suggested about Seven of Nine's relationship with Picard. In universe, they have never met, she's not a fan of his - she's one more person who blames him for what happened, like the Romulans on Vashti - and she's one of the 'Rangers', who are apparently a 'Resistance movement'. Resisting what, you ask? I can't imagine, but when JJ Abrams and Bad Robot are involved, you've got to have a resistance. They're cool, you know. :(
    sirchet likes this.
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, I've read a few reviews of Picard and everyone is noticing that Elnor looks like Legolas, with his fighting style, body shape and pointy Romulan ears. Moreover, Seven of Nine sounds like she is hanging around. So while I still think they are Aragorn and Arwen (the latter to be seen) and will get together later, I am withdrawing my idea that Legolas and Gimli are still to come: they just need a treacherous Boromir figure to join.

    Also, I have been told that there are previews on the CBS all-access version - "next week in Picard!..." - can I just say they don't have those on Amazon, so I haven't seen them (if I say something based on, or contradicted, by them and look like a goose). I genuinel;y don't want to watch spoilers for something I am about to see.

    Finally, I am almost finished watching Season 1 of Cobra Kai. Hot damn that is a great show! JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson should be tied down - nailed if necessary - and forced to watch it until it sinks in: THIS is how you resurrect 30 year old characters! The writing is (imho) superb.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Gah! Well, the trip to 'Rivendell' had no council to speak of, Seven of Nine only seemed to be there by dumb luck (and hasn't hung around) and in fact nothing went according to my predictions (there was a few moments where I thought I saw something but that would just be my imagination). So it looks like my adventure comes to an end. And just when they could have left Rivendell and encountered wolves! (The Fenris Rangers). Alas.

    Still enjoying the show though, but I get why a lot of people say, "it's not Star Trek". But enjoying it on its own merits.

    Fun fact - that episode was written by a woman called Kirsten someone, or something. Note the majority of the violence was perpetrated by women, and the male warrior, Elnor, was completely sidelined. Not just Seven kicking a$$, but the initial 'cut up a live Borg' torture scene was a female doctor, as was the big bad, the cold-blooded murder by the here-to-fore comic relief, and the two minions who get executed at the end on Seven's arrival - all women. Violence both heroic and horrifying. Also a strong focus on the maternal instinct. Interesting :) And all fun to watch.

    Also interesting - unless my memory of a whole 12 hours ago is failing me, we saw nothing of the other side of the story on the Borg cube. Hmmm... o_O
  10. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Hmm indeed... I'll be surprised if this proves to be some kind of new story line...
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, I got nothing.

    I was thinking that maybe the Borg Cube might be like Moria, but alas, no Balrog. Enjoying the show though, particularly since it has picked up pace now it is in the second half of the season. Stuff is actually happening! Not sure what happened with Aragorn (or 'Romulegolas' as the internet calls him) at the end though - that was rubbish, and if he is as dead as he must surely be, that was a complete waste of a character.

    Rumours of Riker being back in front of the camera next week :)
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