Issues with "Under Surveillance" in Verb

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by countblah2, Dec 3, 2010.

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  1. countblah2

    countblah2 Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    First, great mod and new content. I'm incredibly impressed.

    Second, I get the feeling that I'm missing the boat with the Under Surveillance quest with the Scarlet Brotherhood/Lerrick. I've talked to Lerrick and Daria (sp?) at both the city hall and the 3rd floor, confronted both about being tailed, and can't seem to progress on this front. Even killing them and trying to talk to Wilfrick at both city hall and his home does nothing. I realize not all quests will be available to all parties, but I find it strange that I can wipe them out but still can't expose them. They leave a flawless paper trail, too...I was really hoping to find some incriminating evidence!

    I'm sure I'm missing something--can anyone shed some light on this? Much thanks, in advance.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hi countblah,

    There is really not a whole lot more to the surveillance quest. (There was originally more to it, but it was problematic due to ToEE's unreliability with timers and counters and so on.)

    About the most you can do is observe suspicious guys in and around Verbobonc; confront Lerrik and Darlia about it (they both will deny it initially); observe guys in your various private quarters; re-confront Darlia about this (he will eventually admit it if your social skills are high enough - Lerrik never will*). It doesn't really go anywhere from there, though you always have the option to 'execute' them for their offenses if you feel you can't stand for what they've done. That's probably not a good idea if you're working for Darlia though, as you won't get anymore quests from him if he's dead.

    We may eventually add contingencies where killing Darlia and Lerrik will cause you to be arrested by the authorities like with everybody else. Right now they only belong to the Scarlet Brotherhood faction, which is a 'bad guy' faction that is not supported by the Verbobonc authorities.

    Factions are the most fundamental way in which you arrange a reaction from various persons and other factions, e.g., Verbobonc guards have a faction of their own and also share a faction with Verbobonc citizens, so if you attack a Verbobonc citizen and a guard is in the area, the guard will support the citizen. If we set the SB to share a faction with guards as well, the guards would attack you anytime you fought the SB, which would be goofy being as the SB is an illegal organization. You can make this more complex through various scripting routines, but right now it's not.

    *It can still be fun to confront Lerrik about it though, especially if you have Corporal Holly in your party. Lerrik is a condescending smartass and says some funny/insulting things.
  3. countblah2

    countblah2 Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    Thanks for the very detailed explanation. I wound up just wiping the floor with them and hawking their stuff since I couldn't progress. If I play through again, I'll definitely try to pick up Darlia's quests.
  4. Flak88

    Flak88 Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    That answers my brotherhood questions. I thought I was missing something with them and always ended up losing my patience and taking them out.
  5. gundar

    gundar Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Doubts with "Under Surveillance" in Verbobonc

    I've seen a mysterious scarlet-robed person run to the exit and disappear on the top floor of Jylee's Inn. My question is if at that time must be updated the logbook?
    Or I should go to talk with Lerrik/Darlia before? (the status of the quest "robbery at the hostel" is mentioned).

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