Temple+ Bug List

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Aug 24, 2021.

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  1. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Assassin_leader.dlg (Darlia in Verbonc) needs a small change:

    reputation 24 = Initiate of Assassin's Group (kill someone for the traders)
    reputation 21 =Assassin of Lodriss

    He will only talk to you if you have one of the following conditions:
    1. bluff >9, 21=24=0 (option 72)
    2. 24=1, 21=0
    3. 24=21=1
    Thus the only way you can talk to him is if you have not killed Lodriss or have both killed Lodriss and some innocent or have just killed an innocent. I suppose Lodriss was meant to add flavor to the dialog responses.

    *I'd suggest simply making condition 1: bluff >9, 24=0. Killing Lodriss should be irrelevant for this option.

    (in the past I usually just edited the .dlg, however I've searched enough on the forum to see that it is a common problem and thought to mention it now).
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Sounds good. Can you submit the edited file?
  3. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Submit here? or...

    Attached Files:

    Sitra Achara likes this.
  4. Isewein

    Isewein Established Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    Cosmetic error only, but I've noticed that items which require a good character to craft them (e.g. White Rod / Archmagi Robe) incorrectly have chaotic listed as their requirement.

    The Mandolin of Charming also has an erroneous description: it casts Calm Emotions, not Dominate Monster. Likewise, Prayer Beads of Healing cast mass heal wounds rather than (single) cure serious wounds as described. Endure Elements is listed with a spell duration of 24h but in fact only lasts 10min/lvl.

    (I realise those aren't really Temple+ bugs, but neither is the dialogue reported above, and you are the only one actively developing this it seems, so I figured it couldn't hurt to report those small issues with Co8 here.)
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
  5. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Moathouse respawn:

    Hulking Corpse and Blood Amniotes also fight each other when combat is initiated. Further, they both are initially neutral to the party. As are the gnoll skeletons. Faction setting?
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Interesting... the Hulking Corpse and the Blood Amniote are both faction 0, the gnoll skels have no faction... all have no intelligence, so is it a problem if they all start wailing on each other? I guess some sort of coherence is expected when they are meant to have been created by the same magic user. I'll give them a faction, I guess. As for them not attacking, they are all set KOS so not sure about that. The former have Intelligence of -1 which is a problem, I'll fix that too.

    Hammyh, just to refresh my memory, did you get the Moathouse Respawn after you had killed Zuggy and generally finished the main game?
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    This may not be a problem in vanilla ToEE since I changed how faction 0 behaves (IIRC to fix the friendly fire float line). Should probably rework that part. It also manifests in the tutorial zombies attacking each other.

    Though the proper thing to do is indeed to give them factions. I think I let faction 0's attack each other so that the random encounter with infighting ettins and bears still does that.
  8. Isewein

    Isewein Established Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    Very strange bug: In the middle of the final fight against Zuggy, Thrommel suddenly chimes up with his standard first dialogue again, to which I can only reply that the group is full (him already being in it). At least he doesn't seem to run off, despite saying that he will, but he doesn't participate in the fight any longer. Afterwards, the fight resumes (seemingly) normally. I suppose that Zuggy's surrender dialogue was supposed to be triggered instead, but somehow got messed up.

    EDIT: Actually, if I conclude the fight as normal, I am stuck with an invisible "blue circle bug" Thrommel afterwards, so it is serious after all.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  9. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Yes. Quest given after the completion of one of the 3 Verbonc fugitives quests.

    Ahh, it depends what is the intention. There are pros and cons:
    • The pro is that the weapon of the Hulking splits the Amniotes. That was a hilarious side-effect.
    • The con is that you can move away enough and they will concentrate on each other and ignore you.
    So the side-effect was amusing. Imho both are similar in challenge for a fight, except currently they do not go hostile unless forced. Previously if desired, you could engage both from the hallway, anyways.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  10. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I'm going to guess that this would be fixable by tweaking Thrommel's dlg to trigger upon Zugg's death but before the final epilogues.
    Normally when brought to the surface he says:
    And this could just be something like "Finally she is banished, now I have business....blah blah."

    Unless the player wants him for the Verbonc portion, then ....I'm not sure.


    What happens if he's dead by the end of the Zugg battle? Same thing? That would be a problem for a dialog fix.

    The quick and dirty fix might be to edit py00176zuggtmoy.py to check for him and remove him if he is there, immediately after the death movie.
    in function def zuggtmoy_die( zuggtmoy, pc ):
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  11. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Do they fight each other right off the bat, or just when an amniote splits? I do see an issue that when it splits, it doesn't inherit the parent's faction (I guess because it's not defined in the protos, but at the mob level).
    Edit: fixed that part now.
    The reason they don't attack is because they have a specification for san_heartbeat, but no actual script attached.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  12. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I tested this again by attacking the Hulking and running away and they did not appear to fight (although my character was out of the room).
    So you must be correct in that it was only the new splits. And confirmed:
    • the new split amniote also attacks the original amniote

    Also, are the amniotes undead? In one test I had the new spell Disrupting Weapon active, which killed the amniote due to a failed save.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  13. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    They have flags that say they're undead (if you filter for undead monsters in the DM, they're in there). I guess that's what Libris Mortis says, too.
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Now that's funny. Down right Freudian. I'm generally in favour of monsters attacking each other as much as the player (as appropriate), but this doesn't seem the moment.

    I'll fix the protos. Interesting that about the heartbeat. Not sure what to say about Thrommel - dare I ask, did you play a normal game and just recruit him at the last second (or spend an inordinate amount of time inside the Temple)? Usually he is long gone by the time you get to Zuggy.
  15. Isewein

    Isewein Established Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    What I don't understand is why he chimes up during the fight in the first place though? Yes, I pretty much recruited him at the last second when checking a walkthrough for what I had missed before mopping up the Temple. I mean it's no big deal, I can just bring him to the surface before the fight, but it's a shame because his sword sure comes in handy against Zuggy.
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