What version of .net are you running? The solution might be as simple as updating to at least 3.0. And just to be silly, you don't have trees selected in the "selectable" drop down menu, right? Cheers.
Hey there Sirchet .The trees are still having the problem.But i wont bother anymore.When i make an exterior ,i will just all the trees i would like outside the playable area,and then copy paste them where i want after i save.Because i mentioned that they only disappear from the cursor when the module progress is saved ,right ? Man everytime i try to explain this problem the stranger it sounds ....ahahahhah
Yup, you can just delete the files and you're good to go. If a .hak is assigned to a mod you will not be able to open the mod without it. So, you've got me tagged as you guinea pig, do you? I'd be honored to check it out when it's done. ;)
I am using special stuff,like buildings and walls but so far as i remember there are no trees in the package.And that is the weird thing,the normal trees from the toolset appear to have the problem.I really dont know why. The only thing i can think of ,is that every problem i started having with the toolset began right after the instalation of this package.Now,as an amateur there is a possibility i did it wrong.You know,wrong stuff go in the wrong folder :P.So I was thinking a reinstall maybe could solve it.But if I want to just not use the package anymore to see if the problem will be solved,do i just delete the files from the folders and unload the .hak from he toolset ?Thanks a lot for your help :),you know ,when my adventure is finished you get to be the first to play it :D.
Hey, did you get my answer to your question about the trees? Np, I'll reiterate; if you are using custom assets, say special trees for instance, you must have the appropriate assets for the trees in your override folder to see them in the tool set. Quite often a .hak that is issued with a module doesn't have the builder assets needed to see the objects when placing them. I recommend contacting the builder who made the asset and requesting the files for your override, sometimes you can just disassemble a .hak and get the files that way if they are in there. .haks are for players, override files are for builders. Cheers.
Heya...this is Sanctuary. I think I just read in the updated NC section that you have to kill Zug to advance to Verbobonc now. That's a new one for me because I played awhile back & that was available then. Neat new little twists to find...(so disregard my previous message.) Take care & God Bless.
Illustair, I am not sure if I ever responded to your Avatar question you gave me in PM. It was one of the defaults when I signed up, and I believe it still should be. Another person, who was very active for a while had it to. People thought we were brothers... LOL.
Hi Ted If you need a KoTB "Beta-tester" let me know. I'm only working part-time at the moment so I have time available.
Hello, if u are done with your nice projects. Can u make a good World Editor? and a site with -maps releases by the user- ? If all can create maps.. that would be funny :-) Thanks for your Work of passion , your commitment is very nice. (i dont speak english, sorry. please have understanding. )
Well yes I actually saw the trees when I run the module...didnt expect it :). But the point is to see them in the toolset so i know where to put them.
No, I did have a problem with a custom tree plug-in that randomized trees but that is something completely different. When you "run" the module from the tool=set do you see the trees? By run I mean it will actually start the mod and you choose a character and all.
So,I made some tests and i think I guessed correct.The moment I start the area I can place any tree I want.After i save it ,lets say as "test",then the problem occurs.The weird thing is ,that the trees already placed,can be placed again with no problem.Lets say you have a Palm before the save,you can place as many palms after the save.But any other kind will have this problem .Did you also have problems when you were working with this toolset ? :)