I have Atari patch 2, co8 5.0.0, just updated to CMF 12.17.06, patch .02. Played LE and LN games on 11.17.06 CMF .02 prior to updating. My first time using c08 mods. In the LN game I tried to kill the Traders in Hommet. They used D of D, I killed Gremag, but Rannos escaped. From reading other posts, I assume this is supposed to trigger an encounter later in the game. Never happened. I came back to Hommett and checked their Trading Post several times. After my party reached level 7 or so, they respawned in Hommett with dead Gremag and NPC goon alive again and open for business as vanilla usual. They had original equipment and magic including D of D. I completed the minimum Nulb quests to get a house. From there I concentrated on the new mods (V, H and MH respawn) and the Temple. Is the game working right? Or is it the operator (me)?
Re: What am I doing wrong?*SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!* Well, that's an interesting outcome. Well it might be your install though I never checked whether they "come back"... In order to let them find you you have to buy the house in Nulb (just like you did) and they will eventually come. Hmm I think that Preston Wetz as well as Skole should mention that some strange men were looking for you. If you tell Skole that he can tell what he wants to them the encounter is most likely to trigger. ----------------------------------------------------------- Just to add something "a little related" has anyone noticed the strange attack of the clones and living dead sightings in ToEE? I mean first it was the duplicate party, then the druid's dead bear and now R&G do strange things, because I wouldn't be surprised if you eventually got the encounter at Nulb.
Thanks Maggit. After getting the house, I skimped quite a bit on Nulb gameplay/quests while playing with the new toys (greed rears its ugly head in many forms). That was probably it. I have a significant amount of time invested in a new CE game. I'll probably reinstall from scratch after it's done just on general principles. I would also like to state for the record: I really appreciate what the uncompensated and underappreciated modders on this forum have done for this game. Saved it from a thankless and untimely death, they did. Sounds like pure unadulterated buttkissin', but it also happens to be true in this case. Thanks. ozb
I've had the Target of Revenge encounter on the world map between towns before, (just once). I'm not sure if it was my install or not, I had killed one of the traders and durring the encounter he was replaced with the assasin that normally comes after you. probably just my install.
Nah, the assassin sometimes spawns in the house instead of on the world map (can't remember the exact whys and wherefores right now). OP is wierd if they came back to life instead of triggering the encounter.
Sirchet, are you sure it was the Target of Revenge Encounter? Where Rannos and/or Gremag present? I added a random encounter (now removed) in on of the earlier versions of 5.0.x that used all the mercenaries from that encounter and the assassin as well. I bet that is the encounter you are speaking of.
For post #1 My final solution was Power Word Kill. Resurrect/Heal as required. The next game I had seemed to missing random content as I went along. Stuff I used to have like LTB's spiders, etc. In english, I uninstalled, deleted all vestiges of anything TOEE and reinstalled Atari vanilla and c08 stuff from scratch, including the latest CMF patch. One quick question: There is a new dllfix file in the CMF thread listed after the latest 5.0.3 patch. Do I need to install it? Or should I wait until it is installed in the next patch update? @CtB - I had wilderness LTB assassin encounters, just no R & G suprise party. Craven coppermongers! I had one LTB wilderness encounter X 3 at high level (21 NPCs total!). Now that was a good fight! I'm sorry you had to take that one out. Thanks to all for helping, ozb
I thought that was a great battle as well. I removed it because it seemed people could not accept it as a different band of mercenaries rather than the ones that show up with the Target of Revenge encounter. I took the lazy way of reusing those protos rather than creating new ones because I didn't have the time.