With every post I’m putting I always forget to unmark the e-mail notification. Is there any way to disable this feature permanently in my profile? I’m more often here that at my e-mail.
When I do (and probably everyone else) new thread or post replay there are 4 check boxes: 1. Automatically parse URLs: automatically adds and around internet addresses. 2. Email Notification: emails sent to you whenever someone replies. Only registered users are eligible. 3. Disable Smilies in This Post 4. Show Signature: include your profile signature. Only registered users may have signatures. #2 is always mark out for me automatically, so if I forget to unmarked (which happens with every post) I have notification. It is not a big deal, but when I visit my inbox… well you get the idea.
1. Go to the user CP. 2. Click on Edit options. 3. Mark a 'no' in this option: "Use 'Email Notification' by default?"