Welkwood Bog Help

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by pmaura, Feb 20, 2013.

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  1. pmaura

    pmaura Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Ok as mentined earlier this game is tough I love it though. I cant stress how much I apreciate c08, I bought this game when it was released and couldnt play it all, now after all this time its actually finished.

    That beeing said, Welkwood Bog is kicking my behind, I am now 2nd lvl and on the last encounter, I have paladin, cleric, rogue, ranger(archery specced) and wizard, for what ever reason I am getting decimated.

    Are there missle penalties when firing into a group or over
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    If you open up the rolls tab you can see exactly what penalties you are suffering.

    The rolls tab is in the lower right corner.

    If you are firing at a creature engaged in melee you will suffer a -4 penalty unless you have the precise shot feat.
  3. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Yes even with precise shot your ranger will suffer cover penalties to hit goblins standing behind your characters.

    You will repeatedly get attacked flat-footed in Welkwood Bog so you need to advance your paladin only provided you bought her/him a breastplate and large shield, chose dodge and combat expertise feats and have selected Total Defence

    I would suggest wizard and cleric supply sleep, charm person, bless and summon monster

    An archery ranger needs point blank shot and precise shot even when they manouveuve round to get an unobstructed shot.

    I suggest the follows feats point blank shot, precise shot at level 1, two weapon fighting at level two, rapid shot at level 3, improved two weapon fighting(bonus) and exotic weapn proficiency, butterfly sword to use 2 masterwork daos at level 6. Perhaps take weapon finesse at level 9 if dexterity has been enhanced.

    Manyshot is a waste as it requires an entire action round to perform once.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Au contraire, Manyshot is the most misunderstood (and wrongly labelled 'bug!') thing in the game. It works as a Standard action (as per RAW), so any time you are using a full round to attack, you won't use it (you'll probably use Rapid Shot, all being equal).

    What it allows you to do is take a move action, and still get a kick-ass attack in after you have moved. Great for the first round when you are tossing up whether to reposition your rogue to make sure the sneak attack hits, or whether to go the full attack.
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