when i take weapon focus feat i get the +1 to atack roll but when i take weapon specialization it dont show in charakter discription, why?
Could you provide a screenshot? It has never failed to show for me, I do have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of my feats to see it though.
here and pliss answere me http://zapodaj.net/2b2c8d16f7680.jpg.html and http://zapodaj.net/81e8589b29998.jpg.html
i does test. I stared new game and used consol to fast leveling up one fighter. and U get only +1 ! iven u have both focus and specializ. in one weapon! this is bug ;/ sorry for me language
If you check the screen for weapon damage during combat (just like you did for the attack roll, except click on the blue highlighted damage total), you will see the "+ 2" specialization bonus listed. Specialization only affects damage.
During combat, open the "Rolls History" box. It's in the bottom right corner of your screen. It partly fills the right side of your screen. (It's the same one you opened to take a screen shot of the Attack Roll you posted previously.) During any combat you will be able to see a scrolling commentary of the battle in that box. It will print whether or not you hit, and the damage inflicted. The damage amount is in blue immediately under the declaration that you 'hit' the enemy. For example, it will say "Guardsman takes 6 points of piercing damage". The phrase "6 points" will be in blue. Click on the blue damage number to open the "damage roll" pop-up screen.
Sadly, there is nothing on the character sheet that tells you how much damage a character will do with a given weapon, so no way to check how feats and abilities are stacking except by beating up bad guys.
True, details are not always on the face of the character sheet, but there are several ways to find the all the stats, abilities, requirements, and effects from the plethora of links embedded in the character sheet to the ToEE Help/Manual. Except for the results of Crafting, which are as you say, only found by trial and error or by searching the Co8 forum to read of someone else's trial and error. Hovering the cursor over item/script will either 1-display the info in the box at the bottom of the page; 2-create a banner next to the cursor saying "click here for more info"; 3- turn the script blue, which is always indication of a clickable link to a pop-up box of detailed info. Additionally, the Help icon (the big "?") in the bottom right corner is full of good info, as is the pdf game manual found in the ToEE file folder.