The Minnesota Viqueens suck. I've never seen an NFL team go to the lengths that the queens have to lose every important game they've ever played. Can't even be blamed on the coaches, unless the coaches are taking bribes to tell their players to take a dive and dividing the cash between them.
Well there IS the "Choking Chargers" ... they had a shot again this year and looked plausible. I am not even a fan of the Chargers (or a hater), but one of my ex-wives was from So-Cal and she told me about them years ago. They have lived up to the name, but I still kinda root for them overcoming it. Sorry about your Vikings though, I was also kinda rooting for Favre to get to the SB this year.
The queen's corporate offices have been trying to extort everyone in the state to build them a new arena, like the !@#$%^& metrodome isn't good enough. Why would we want to foot the bill for a team that has historically show that they can't win a football game to save their lives, let alone bring home a super bowl. They've never won one and they want a new $700 billion arena to play in?! GTFO!
When the old Houston Oilers began to suck, good old Butt Adams decided he needed a new stadium. The City of Houston told him to f off, and he moved his team to Tennessee and they became the Titans. The city got an expansion team, the Texans, and built THEM a new stadium. The Texans suck worse than the Oilers ever did. There WILL be a new stadium, whether there's a good team, bad team or NO team.
Hi Be thankful you don't have the worst NFL team ever, the only team to lose every game in a whole season, and the only "Pro" team that could probably be beaten by a decent Class A High School Football team. Namely the Detroit Old, Blind, Overweight, Arthritic Lapcats (aka the Lions). You know they are bad when the whole state celebrates when they when A SINGLE game at any time of the year. :roll: The Royal Canadian
I'm thinking that instead of spending money on a state NFL team, perhaps Louisiana should spend the money on fortifying a monstrous levee gulfside so when another massive hurricane hits, they won't be caught with their pants down again and have to deal with all the enormous problems it creates. But, I guess having a football team is more important than surviving. But, what do I know. The viqueens lost their chance.
Hi Necro I agree that this country has some skewed priorities. I was listening to a commentary on my favorite NPR station this afternoon, and the commentator told how while he was waiting for a Veterinarian to treat his dog, the woman who was sitting next to him said that a National Health Insurance plan was a waste of money, but was willing to spend thousands of dollars to get cancer treatment(s) for year 15 year old cat. The Royal Canadian Note to Ranth: Maybe the government should tax Animal Health Care to provide Human Health Care. What do you think ??
You should have asked: 1. How much did it cost to keep YOU alive last year? 2. Have you ever worked a day in your life?
Hey, that's not a teribble idea. Put a 50% tax on animal care to subsidize human health care. I don't like domestic animals anyways except chickens, cows, lamb(s)?, pigs, ducks, fish and the majority of seafood except things with tenticles and scallops. You can also keep the seaweed and anything that they eat in a japanese restaurant. No eel pout either.
Probably, the problem with the Minnesota Vikings is NOT ENOUGH VIKINGS! They are Vikings in name only. During the off-season they should actually go a reaving. Put a few towns to the torch and they would get a little more respect. My ex's family name was from Norway. (Where they were the Royal executioners.) I'm sure my son's ancestors would agree.
First off, i have been posting a lot. But i'm not spamming, im just trying to get to know everyone right? Now about the vikings. Maaan bret favre needs to stay retired. Eli manning is way beter. They did both win superbowls, but Eli's ring is newer. Freasher.