Utility to Fix Character?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Crawfish, Jul 14, 2004.

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  1. Crawfish

    Crawfish Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Is there any sort of utility to fix characters?

    I've been playing in Ironman mode, and don't look forward to the idea of starting over.

    My rogue died in a battle from an arrow (no unusual spell or anything), and after the battle I used a scroll of Raise Dead on him.

    After being raised he now has a dexterity of 1, whereas it was 18 prior to being raised. It is not reported as a temporary loss (there are no spell effects on him...no effect tabs on the character). When I click on "DEX", it says that he has a +1 initial value, so it clearly now believes that this has always been the character's statistic.

    I have the second official patch and Co8 3.0.3 installed.

    Thank you
  2. zhuge

    zhuge Established Member Veteran

    Sep 27, 2003
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    Kharmakazy has updated his character editor. I believe it should work fine but I have not tried all the functions:

    You can also have a look at Ferros's character editor but it had some stability problems, IIRC so don't try to change too much:

    If you don't trust character editors, you can try to do it yourself with a hex editor by reading this thread:

    The game is really not stable enough to be run in Ironman. I strongly advise making a copies of the saved files frequently to avoid some fatal bug like file corruption. It is tedious but it may save you a lot of grief and backtracking later.
  3. Crawfish

    Crawfish Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    I tried the hex edit and it seemed to work!

    I do think I'll start over in non-Ironman mode, though. That scared me off...
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