User Titles

Discussion in 'Site and Forum Feedback' started by Gaear, Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I think it's high time we update our Co8 user titles to reflect some more ToEE-ish sensibilities. (Green Dragon? Mountain Giant? Where? ;))

    To that end, let's have some suggestions from the community. Nothing silly please; let's just try to move to a system dealing with more common ToEE/Greyhawk entities as appropriate for your level.

    I'll post the current titles and criteria below:

    1. Goblin Raider, 0 - 24 posts
    2. Hungry Ghoul, 25 - 49 posts
    3. Giant Crayfish, 50 - 74 posts
    4. Lizard Man, 75 - 99 posts
    5. Troll Berserker, 100 - 124 posts
    6. Ogre Chief, 125 - 149 posts
    7. Hill Giant, 150 - 174 posts
    8. Mountain Giant, 175 - 199 posts
    9. Green Dragon, 200 - 249 posts
    10. Demon Lord, 250 - 3,499 posts
    11. Circle of Eight Wizard, 3500+ posts

    What I'm looking for here is a good, common and recognizable representative entity within the context of the ToEE world for each level you achieve. For example, Goblin would be good for the first, as opposed to, say, lesser dire mealworm. I'm also open to adding more titles and adjusting the post criteria, as it seems rather subjective at the moment. e.g., figure out a reasonable progression of milestones on a mildly upward sloping graph, such as 1-50, 51-150, 151-300, etc.

    The only thing I think we should keep no matter what is Circle of Eight Wizard for the high end.

    Let's hear some suggestions! :thumbsup:
  2. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    All right, I'll give it a go:

    1: Kobold Scout: 0-49
    2: Goblin Thief: 50-149
    3: Swaying Zombie: 150-299
    4: Hungry Ghoul: 300-499
    5: Gnoll Raider: 500-799
    6: Raging Bugbear: 800-1,199
    7: Ogre Brute: 1,200-1,699
    8: Troll Berserker: 1,700-2,499
    9: Hill Giant Barbarian: 2,500-3,499
    10: Drow Assassin: 3,500-4,999
    11: Hextorite: 5,000-6,999
    12: Bearded Devil: 7,000-9,999
    13: White Dragon: 10,000-13,999
    14: Vrock: 14,000-18,999
    15: Glabrezu: 19,000-24,999
    16: Hezrou: 25,000-31,999
    17: Balor: 32,000-39,999
    18: Gremlich: 40,000-49,999
    19: Slaver: 50,000-69,999
    20: Circle of Eight Wizard: 70,000+
  3. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    I want to be a wizard...
  4. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    So Gaear, since a change seems to have been implemented, can you tell us what you settled on?
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yes! I started looking at your suggestions, Daryk, and ended up going with what you see below. You were helpful in that you at least put me on the right track. Basically it is a simple system of a mild increase in post requirements as you advance, with 21 categories starting at 0 and ending up at 5000. (So all of you have something to shoot for lol.) After I settled on the progression, I simply went to the 3.5 SRD and searched for monsters by CR and picked commonly seen or understood ones from ToEE, with lowest CRs being low end and highest being the high end. In most cases, there is one monster/title per CR. Toward the higher end the CRs become more spaced out.

    1. 0 - Skeleton
    2. 60 - Zombie
    3. 140 - Kobold
    4. 240 - Goblin
    5. 360 - Hobgoblin
    6. 500 - Orc
    7. 660 - Lizardman
    8. 840 - Gnoll
    9. 1040 - Bugbear
    10. 1260 - Ogre
    11. 1500 - Gargoyle
    12. 1760 - Owlbear
    13. 2040 - Minotaur
    14. 2340 - Troll
    15. 2660 - Lamia
    16. 3000 - Ettin
    17. 3360 - Hill Giant
    18. 3740 - Vrock
    19. 4140 - Hezrou
    20. 4560 - Glabrezu
    21. 5000 - Balor

    I of course broke my own rule and didn't retain Circle of Eight Wizard. ;) I also didn't add any further descriptors like "raider" etc. If anyone has suggestions for those, I'll listen.


    What's shaking, Zebedee? Long time no see.
  6. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Well, since you're already past 20, there's no reason to stop at 21. I think the next few could be:

    22. White Dragon
    23. Hextorite
    24. Slaver
    25. Circle of Eight Wizard

    That rounds you out at nice even 25.
  7. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Just catching up with the work you guys have been doing :coffee: Nice to see familiar names still active.
  8. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Here's a more complete tweak using your progression, but starting a little lower and ending a little higher (with Ciricle of Eight of Wizard at the end):
    1. 0 - Kobold
    2. 20 - Goblin
    3. 60 - Hobgoblin
    4. 120 - Orc
    5. 200 - Skeleton
    6. 300 - Zombie
    7. 420 - Ghoul
    8. 560 - Gnoll
    9. 720 - Bugbear
    10. 900 - Ogre
    11. 1100 - Ghast
    12. 1320 - Gargoyle
    13. 1560 - Owlbear
    14. 1820 - Minotaur
    15. 2100 - Troll
    16. 2400 - Lamia
    17. 2720 - Werewolf
    18. 3060 - Jackalwere
    19. 3420 - Ettin
    20. 3800 - Efreet
    21. 4200 - Hill Giant
    22. 4620 - Salamander
    23. 5060 - Vrock
    24. 5520 - Hezrou
    25. 6000 - Glabrezu
    26. 6500 - Balor
    27. 7020 - Ancient White Dragon
    28. 7560 - Hextorite
    29. 8120 - Slaver
    30. 8700 - Circle of Eight Wizard
  9. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    I love the idea! Lol, "2100 Troll" sounds funny given the ambiguous possible interpretation of the word "troll" in the context of a *cough* user title *cough*. :) A person who trolled for 2100 posts and hasn't been banned for it is a hero troll. :)

    @ Zebedee: Hiya! Glad to see you around! :)
  10. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Pardon the necromancy, but I noticed this thread isn't visible in the regular forum (you have to search for "user titles" to make it show). Perhaps it should get a sticky?
  11. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    But all these titles are negative, how about a few positive ones.

    2000 - Light in the Darkness
    3000 - Paladin of Truth

    You get my drift. ;)
  12. tomthefighter

    tomthefighter Errr......

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Sirchet - would < take this > be something like: 4000 - Feline Avenger ?
  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    No, that's Sir Purrsalot! Bringer of Justice and Smiter of those not so nice. ;)
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