As mentioned elsewhere on these boards you are currently unable to level up a rogue to 13th level because he gains a "bonus class feat" but no feats are selectable. While testing today I noticed thay you also can't level up a ranger to 15th level, as you have to select a new favoured enemy, it can't show more that 3 favoured enemies so it de-selects your first favored enemy, thus still leaving you one favoured enemy short, and unable to continue. Also (the whole reason I was testing this morning anyway) Rangers and Paladins don't get access to 3rd or 4th level spells, I think that's a hard coded problem. Drfiter could you help with these problems?
Congratulations! You discoverd the hot water! Do you use to say this when somebody claims to have had a great intuition or idea that is already known by everybody else? :doublethu
0rion79: I think that's why Allyx said "As mentioned elsewhere on these boards" ... And I for one didn't know about the Ranger problem. Of course these bugs clearly aren't Troika's fault (for a change!), since the original game was capped at level 10 anyway. While it would be nice to have them fixed, they're not very high on my priority list ... I'd much prefer if someone cleaned up the messy item crafting code (see this thread:
Of course, I was joking and, yes: I agree with you even if not completely. IMHO, it is important to have classes to level up as they should. Improving this is not something that may be placed at the end of the list but still I agree that fixing not-working things is more important than adding new ones. So, I agree with you. one more thing: would somebody check in UK 3.5 core-rules if the 1d6 elemental damage from any elemental weapon (like a flamming sword, just to name one) is cumulative or not with the damage dealth from an elemental burst weapon of the same kind? In other words, if I have a flamming + fire burst longsword, is it supposed to deal 2d6 of extra fire damage or they should not stack, having the sword dealing only 1d6 damage, plus extra damage on a confirmed critical hit?
flaming, shocking, and frost weapons add 1d6 elemental damage on every successfull hit, burst weapons add 1d10 or 2d6 elemental damage on a successfull critical hit only, which do stack.
It is 1d10, but then there may be another bug in the game, because, using as example fire for all the elements, translating my 3.5 manual, it says "flamming burst weapon works like a flamming weapon and, on a sucesfull critical hit, it deals extra 1d10 fire damage for every critical point granted from the weapon. So a weapon with ctitical range of 2 will deal 1d10 extra fire damage, c.r of 3 will deal 2d10 damage, cr of 4 will deal 3d10 damage and so on." So a flamming burst weapon deal 1d6 when striking an opponent even without a critical, like a simple flamming weapon. Then again the question is if that 1d6 granted from the flamming burst weapon when hitting but not rolling a critical hit should stack with a weapon that has the flamming attribute only. My manual says nothing about it.
The way I read "functions as a flaming weapon" is this: there is no difference outside of crits between a flaming and a flaming burst weapon, and thus they're just burning weapons, meaning the damage probably should not stack. You could argue that with two enchantments, the fire is more intense or something (this makes even more sense, I think, with shock weapons), but then you would think the rules would have to allow for a flaming flaming weapon, that is, a weapon with two normal flaming enchantments on it. This is not prohibited explicitly by the rules, but I think most people would agree it's not what the D&D gods have in mind for us. Thus, I'd say they shouldn't stack. I'd also suggest that making a flaming weapon into a flaming burst weapon effectively removes the flaming attribute (and the point of effective enhancement level that counts towards the price and max enhancement of the weapon). But that's just me.
I stand corrected. Flaming = +1d6 fire damage, flaming burst = +1d6 fire damage normally, but +1d10 fire damage on a critical hit, 2d10 if the weapon normally has X3 critical threat range. I'm not sure if the bonus' stack, but I think they do.
Allyx, AFAS I can remember, on a critical hit, the game calclulates 2d6 + Xd10, accordingly with the critical, anyway I'm more inclined to support Lord Plotos interpretation. Up Role playing, down power playing (but not being wise and smart in the game )
In P&P your not supposed to be able to add abilities to already magical items, the best you can do is recharge a staff, given the choice between the two (providing I have the XP and gold) I'd choose the burst version any day.
the point i'm trying (and failing) to get to is that if you can pay for both, why not get the benefit of both?
Because it looks like that flamming burst is a greater version of "flamming", following L.Plotos' interpretation. it is like casting greater magic weapon when you already have magic weapon active on the same weapon. We may read the spell as it follows: "flamming burst makes a weapon flamming, more, it deals 1d10 extra damage blah blah blah.....". So, if the weapon is already flamming, you can't make it flamming twice! In other words,making a flamming and flamming burst weapon would mean to add the flamming attribute twice, and this should not stack. But I'm not sure and actually I have no way to check if they are cumulative or not.
Not sure what you mean by "unable to continue" or what your testing environment is, but I haven't noticed such thing. Sure, there is bug - side effect of level uncapper, that you can't select class feat for rogue at lvl 13 and on, since all these feats become normal after lvl 10. So you don't get any feat. Another (bright) side of this bug is that thereafter you can pick these rogue specific feats like Slippery mind or Improved evasion as normal feats for ANY class. For rangers, yea on that screen there is enough space for only 3 enemies to be displayed, so the "oldest" (the one you picked as first) is shifted down and becomes invisible. So the bad side of it is, that you can't increase bonus for it anymore (same probably happens with your second-pick enemy at lvl 20). But you don't lose it from your known feats list, so this is even less serious issue that the rogue bug above. But you can finish level up just fine in both cases. (Unlike skillpoint "bug" - next button would remain disabled until you spend all skillpoints, so if you increased *cough* INT too much and have too much skillpoints, you're stuck. This was solved in moebius') Probably it is. As for fixing all these problems, I dunno. Might be easy or maybe not... To tell the truth, I'm not a big fan of level uncapper, and also I'm kinda negative towards hypocrites, who call Max HP cheat, but are using Level uncapper CHEAT.
Ahh, but Drifter, u r the sorta open-minded fella who respects their choice to use (or not use) both.. Actually tinkering the code is one thing, asking for new stuff (as I think this may be) well that is something else... the engine DOES have its limits, not from capping so much as stuff that is just not there.