Tutorial: How to Make a new Map.

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Jota, Feb 26, 2005.

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  1. Jota

    Jota Member

    Apr 21, 2004
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    Well when i say new map i mean use a copy of one of the original maps and make it completely independent.

    choose a original map, in this case i was looking for the "Map-7-Tower_interior" the one at the moathouse with the spider.

    ok so with the command "game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5003,467,490)" we put our party right on it.

    One of the things that calls your attention is the 5003 number.

    Ok lets go look for the files that we need to change.

    First: The file "...\ToEE\rules\MapList.mes", i add my line "{5120}{Map-7-Tower_Teste, 467, 490, Flag: DAYNIGHT_XFER}" to the end of the file its a copy from the line "{5003}{Map-7-Tower_interior, 467, 490, Flag: DAYNIGHT_XFER}"

    Second: the file "..data\mes\map_names.mes", i add my line to the end of the file "{5120}{The Moathouse Tower Teste}"

    third: the file "data\rules\MapLimits.mes" i add my line "{5120}{1020,-12544,-780,-14084}" thats is a copy from de 5003 line.

    Fourth: the file "...\ToEE\art\ground.mes" i add my line "{0144}{Map-7-Tower_Teste}" for the Day maps and the line "{1144}{Map-7-Tower_Teste-night}" for the Night maps.

    Fifth:We need to create de folders for the new map, because this is just a copy i just go and copy and rename.
    Copy the "...\ToEE\art\ground\Map-7-Tower_interior" to "...ToEE\art\ground\Map-7-Tower_Teste" and the "...ToEE\art\ground\Map-7-Tower_interior-night" to "...ToEE\art\ground\Map-7-Tower_Teste-night"
    This is the folders of the *.jpg for the day and night maps. I paint one of the tower *jpg with red to mark them.

    Sixth:We need to create the folder for the files that are related with the maps, i copy from "...ToEE\maps\Map-7-Tower_interior" to "...ToEE\maps\Map-7-Tower_Teste".
    Well i dont know what are this files for, i think they have to do how the all map is put together, but thats not my concern for now, we just need to work one of them later.

    Seventh: We need to create the folder for the *.jpg minmap, so i copy "...ToEE\townmap\5003" to "...ToEE\townmap\5120".I paint one of the tower *jpg with Blue to mark them.

    Eighth an last: As you can see in the "ground.mes" the tower map is the line "{0025}{Map-7-Tower_interior}" and the one we create was the "{0144}{Map-7-Tower_Teste}", but when we use de command "game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5003,467,490)", theres is no "0025" but "5003", thats because the 5003 came from the "MapList.mes" line, and then probably call the "ToEE\maps\Map-7-Tower_interior\map.prp" file.

    "map.prp" its the file that we need to change in our new folder "...ToEE\maps\Map-7-Tower_Teste". We go hex from here.
    Open your windows calculater and choose Scientific, then lets convert Dec 25 to Hex its 19. Now open the "map.prp" file with a hexeditor and look for 19 its the first to digits, our new line is now 144 convert to hex and is 90, replace 19 for 90 and save the file. And now if you type "game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5003,467,490)" you go to the original tower map but if you type "game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5120,467,490)" you go to the new map and you can confirm because you paint it.

    We now have a new map that we can play with it. I hope what I wrote makes sense.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2005
  2. cremo

    cremo Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    would it be possible to use a baldur s gate gfx map and implement it in ToEE?
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Both yes and no. Technically it's possible to rip the baldur's gate 2D graphics and convert it into the "2D JPEG chunks" format using my Map Discombobulator tool (look for it in the General Modification section). However, this won't *actually* do you a lot of good since the clipping data format (sector blocking) is pretty much unknown right now, so until a sector editor is written, it's impossible to implement the walls and all related 3D stuff.

    Another possible issue that I can think of is that the "scale" of baldur's gate 2D maps may be smaller than that of ToEE (this is relative, though - I'm judging from the fact that both characters and smaller objects such as chairs are tables are smaller in BG than in ToEE), so some baldur's gate maps may look "unnatural" when ported to ToEE. This is just an observation, though.

    - Agetian
  4. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    How about using existing toee map chunks to generate a new map? For example replaceing the map sections for the centre of the coloseum arena for the map sections with the carpenters house. Would the game "know" where the walls are? or is that something you need to configure manually?
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Thats what the clipping files do (apparently).
  6. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Ok so how about we use existing maps (complete with clipping files) and redecorate the picture?
  7. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    You mean, like tagging the walls of the Temple with graffiti? "Allyx was here" :evil_laug
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Yeah Allyx what u r describing is certainly possible and frankly should be encouraged. However, as u may remember from my inventory.tga, the artwork has to be absolutely spot-on or it will stand out like a sore thumb.

    Has anyone succesfully added a new map, btw? I got one going, added a new soundtrack etc but had a lot of problems with the .mobs, namely the game simply didn't seem to be getting the mobs from the new files but from the old ones I had copied from. Something somewhere in there was still pointing at the old folder.
  9. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    What I was thinking is that if we could import the image of a map portion from another game IE baldurs gate or diablo 2 or something and combine it with the clipping files from a toee map that has walls in approximately the same places. Would this work?
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Well you would just have to copy the jpg, I strongly suspect the clipping file works quite independantly of it: So as long as you stick your new walls etc in the same place u could have a very different image that still had the same 'floorplan' for the party to walk around on. I suspect it would work yes. Its something I have had at the back of my mind, lemme know how u go.
  11. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    IMHO, it would be a great thing, except the very strong de-ja-vu feeling that the old playres would have. But it wouldn't be bad at all if you could start mixing those maps, crossing them with the ones already existing, to create new environments!
  12. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Well what do you know, Jota's instructions worked like a charm!, now If I can work out how to add door icons (and appropriate indoor maps to link to), I can start to make Verbobonc bigger, I'm thinking I could make those two female prisoners in temple level 1, guide you there (game.fade_and_teleport style), give a reward, and run off. I'll think of another way to get back, maybe involving a new quest.

    Any Idea's about the door icons? (I know livonya added one to the brothel, but how?)
  13. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Well they are the .sec files you see in the map folder, just before all the .mob files (so I am told).

    If you figure them out, LET ME KNOW!!! I have been having a poke at them lately myself and haven't had any luck.

    Verbobonc sounds hugely kewl :D
  14. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    That explains a few things, my first game.fade_and_teleport to the new map it was exactly the same as the opening vignette, murderous thief and dead body and all, I moved the .mob files, and the thief disappeared, but the body remained - I guess that's what the .sec files are there for. I've managed to get the 1st female prisoner to join my group and teleport me there, but I need to get the other to come with me and initiate dialogue to say "thanks, here's your reward, and bye" then leave the group. I think that's a scripting thing, I'll need to look at rianna and serina's scripts.
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    I tried exactly that to test my new map (scrapped all the mob files), forgot to clear the map cache, nothing happened (ie everything still mobbed in) and I was on the verge of insanity!

    [Edit - is the dead woman painted on or a static object? If the latter, it says something that when Orion's protos played up, the dead body in the moathouse changed from a body to a door.]
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