Has anybody ever tried putting True Strike on a monster, then getting it to cast a Ray? I did this for a baddie in KotB, and he pre-buffed with True Strike ok, then cast his Ray as appropriate. But when he did, nothing happened - I mean it said "spell expired" for True Strike and the Ray animation went b-zap at the target (which was chosen according to strategy tab) but there was no damage, no rolls in the rolls window. I am wondering if the True Strike spell executing conflicted with the Ray. Certainly the Ray works normally if there is no True Strike involved. Anyone got any ideas?
I don't know if this helps but I tried to reproduce your bug with true strike with my mage. I didn't work too with a spell used, that is Scorching Ray did not recieve bonus however the spell expired and I could see the throws. Then I tried to use it with a weapon when she fired from her crossbow she got the +20 bonus. There must be some conflict with "ray" not taken into account as a weapon (ray) hmm have to check out if weapon focus affects it. ================================= Edit: Aha! Rays aren't affected by weapon focus (Ray), I checked the rolls there's no entry for Ray weapon focus (checked it for scorching ray, ray of enfeeblement, ray of clumsiness, Melf's Acid Arrow (definetly not a ray, although the same type of attack is rolled). :/
Thanks a lot for that Maggit, it confirms what I was thinking. Vis-a-vis the 'nothing happening' scenario, that had nothing to do with True Strike: it was caused by my shaman casting spells beyond their range. When I altered the range of the spells (two Rays and Daze) from close to medium, the problem disappeared: obviously, not a long term option. Any ideas, anyone? What about those damn salamanders and their over-the-horizon ICBM fireballs? Do domain_special spells or whatever ignore range or something? I'd hate to lose such a good encounter as I have going, but then I don't expect to break the game over it. So are Rays covered by True Strike? I could have sworn I have used True Strike + Ray of Enfeeblement against that damn giant in Emridy Meadows? (Btw, there is no occurence of anyone using True Strike in Co8 5's protos.tab. Damn waste if u ask me).
By the rules, true strike definitely affects ray attacks. In my cof8 4.0 game, I have just tested ray of enfeeblement after casting true strike and it DID give me the +20 bonus.... Don't know if this is a 5.0 problem or something else causing your problem.
Well, whether it works for PCs and whether it works for monsters is 2 different things... hmmm... but thanks for the feedback, at least my memory isn't going just yet. And I am doing this in KotB so it wouldn't be a 5.0 problem: i was just making the observation that no monster in the 5.0 game (or any other ToEE game I dare say) will make use of True Strike, which is a pity. But then they do have the Mersenne factor on their side, damn I got owned yesterday testing this stuff. Couldn't roll above a 6 to save my life, and my lvl 4 PCs became Lizard Man food.
Hmm...would the True Strike spell effects not working on Ray spells be similar to the problem of the Discern Lies spell not giving a bonus to Sense Motive?
Errr... no. If you mean "would a monster not getting benefit from a spell in combat" be similar to "would a PC not getting benefit from a spell in dialogue", then I would say, no. Although they do both include spells.
It was worth taking a shot at. That's exactly where I was going with it. It just bugs me so much that the Discern Lies spell doesn't work, and I don't have the time to learn to work the system to try and fix it myself. If it even can be fixed. Which I want to try anyway but can't. @__@ I always pile myself too full with things to do and don't give myself enough time to do them...
Well, I don't know what to do about thos sorts of problems. The Discern Lies "script" simply says: target.obj.condition_add_with_args( 'sp-Discern Lies', spell.id, spell.duration, 0 ) which I take to mean, "Activate Discern Lies in the .dll for <spell.duration> amount of time". So its not something we can easily deal with: as you've probably seen yourself, there is nothing in there saying "add x amount to Sense Motive for <spell.duration> amount of time". Although it should be relatively straightforward to do a workaround, but you would need one of them Darmagon-types to do it. Speaking of which, is there any other spell that 'buffs' a skill like this? Off the top of my head I can think of many that buff attributes (cats grace etc) but none that buff skills... Detect Secret doors maybe? Or is that one more Detect spell that doesn't work?
I've never tried Detect Secret Doors. The only thing I can think of as far as buffing specific skills are the Skill Mastery feats and the Bard's Inspire Competency. Actual spells, though, I can't think of any more.
Detect Secret Doors should work like the assorted Detect Spells (concentrate on an area long enough and you can find whatever the spell detects, if it's there.) Most-likely it's as bugged as the other detect spells. Discern Lies, at least by the rules, doesn't actually add a bonus to the Sense Motive. It makes you capable of automatically telling if the person you're concentrating on is lying. The only spell I know of, that exists in ToEE, that gives a direct bonus to a specific skill (as apposed to a bonus to skill checks like Guidance or Inspire Competence do) is Find Traps, which gives a +1 bonus to Search per 2 caster levels to find traps. I have no idea if it actually works as advertised, though. (Unrelated, but combining True Strike with Ray Spells in 3.0 was really nasty because 3.0 haste only affected one person, but it allowed an extra partial action, which could be used to cast spells. So a hasted Sorcerer or Wizard could cast True Strike and then follow it up with an Enevervation or Disintigrate that was going to hit on anything but a 1. This was a bigger deal for Sorcerers because they had the extra spell slots to burn.)
Well, I can't test monsters for you, BUT I did try a few more tests with a PC that MIGHT help. Sometimes true strike wouldn't work if I cast it out of combat. So, if I cast it when combat rounds are going on then it works fine. However, if I cast it and then try to quickly cast the ray, SOMETIMES the game says "spell expired" and I don't get my +20, other times I do manage to get the bonus. When I tried to force combat mode by pressing C, then casting true strike, I ALWAYS lost the spell at the end of the round when the game reverted to non-combat mode-I was never able to re enter combat mode before the true strike expired. The point of this ramble is simply that I wondered whether your pre-buffing scripts (if that's the right term and I understood what you were trying to do correctly) might be taking just a bit too much time for the game to execute and thus the spell is expiring before it can be used, even though the NPC in PNP should have the time to use it. Edit. Just thought, are you talking about a pre-buffing script or simply normal combat rounds? If its the latter then I guess this is useless to you-sorry!
No, you're right, pre-combat buffs. Thanks for that feedback Tim, I can always have him cast it on the first combat round. And I believe I will, at least for testing Thats particularly helpful to know my poor shaman is not the only person who can get the "spell expired but no +20" outcome.
True Strike shouldn't work as a pre-combat buff anyway. If it's failing because you're casting it out of combat, or because you're taking longer than a round to make an attack/cast a ray spell, then it's working as it should by the rules.
While this is true as far as the official SRD goes, if you'll check the spell description in-game for Discern Lies, it specifically states that it's supposed to add a +20 bonus to Sense Motive checks.