Troublesome NPCs - Scorpp please help!

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by reillyd, Mar 3, 2008.

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  1. reillyd

    reillyd Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I've had Scorpp join the party, and DIDN'T keep a savegame of before. Now I'm totally screwed, as no-one will talk with me, no-one will barter with me (good luck getting arrows for my archer), and I have nowhere safe to rest+heal but more importantly to make items and scrolls and enchant weapons/armour. I can't go back to the inn, even Nulbians will shun me. How can you play the game without permanently loosing such a strong warrior?

    I tried asking him to leave (and planning to rejoin later), but he attacks.
    Tried going to nulb where Evil is OK, but no luck there either.
    Will verbonocc accept him? I'm heard the name, but have no idea how to get there.

    Yes I'm probably stupid for not reading a walkthrough first, and not keeping many savegames, but I'm desperate for a solution, even if its a cheat/workaround. Would increasing my charisma (or his) with a spell work?
  2. TonkaElk

    TonkaElk Gear Jammer

    Feb 22, 2008
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    Wow, I'm glad I ran across this post before I found Scorpp!! Although it raised an interesting question in my empty skull bone...where would I find a walk through? :scratchhe
  3. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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  4. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    No, you can't. :shrugno:
    That's balance; you have a overpowered charcter, but you get disadvantages. Same goes for Oohlgrist (the Troll), and Darley (the Alu-demon girl).
    What i personally do in case i need huge amounts of extra HP it's charming/suggesting creatures: sggesting the minotaur for a though battle, the assassin can do the same with big animals, i've used charm animal in the behemot king frog :yikes: (it really works, and i can say it's pretty nasty)

    I suppose that modifiying some scripts could work, maybe the protos of the charcter, but i dunno which ones (and most of modders are far too busy with other stuff to do it), but maybe you could try your hand at that ;)
    In any case, it's part of the game, or having those kind of charcters without some drawbacks would be really unbalancing.
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