I’m playing with patches 1 & 2, the Circle of 8 patch mod, and Liv’s mod. The descriptions for both Haste and Slow say that they affect one creature per caster level. My wizard is presently at level 7, and this is causing troubles that are illogical and undesirable. I have only 5 members in my party. After I Haste them, I have 2 more targets that need to be used before the spell activates. So the game is illogically forcing me to cast the beneficial spell Haste on my enemies. Similarly when I cast Slow on a group of enemies fewer than 7 in number, the game is illogically forcing me to cast Slow on 2 of my own party members. I’ve tried to cast Haste twice on my own party members and Slow twice on enemies, but that doesn’t work. Is there some way I can get around these undesirable effects? They pretty much make the spells unusable. (I do not want to summon any creatures or hire any NPCs.) :tired:
There should be a green button above your character's portrait when casting these. Click on that when you've targetted all those you plan to affect.
Excellent!!! I've been seeing that green button without knowing what it was for. Thank you both very much. :joy: