Hi, I'd like to know how much XP a PC can usually gather in this game. I know XP varies according to the level of your party x the level of the enemies, but I'd like to know guidelines to where you can expect to be in terms of level by certain points in the game. I just finished the 4 temples quests playing the game in the optimal way XP-wise except I didn't do the "wait two levels before leveling" trick, and my 3 PC + 1 NPC party got to lvl 10. I still have a good chunk of the temple left with strong enemies so I expect to get a level or two by the time I defeat Ziggy, but I have no clue as to how much XP is there to be gained in Verbobonc. Can I expect to reach lvl 20 with 4 characters? Will I reach it too soon? Or just in the very end? And a normal party of 5 that starts the game? Is co8 tailored to get 5 chars to lvl 20 or you can only get to that level playing in a reduced party?
Fewer party members will give you higher levels due to splitting the XP less. I usually have a four man/woman party and I get level 19 for most and 20 for my tank right near the end. I normally play NG and do every quest and fight I can. A lot of the XP later on comes from the high level random encounters on the map.
I can usually get a party of six to level 20, but I use the "wait two levels" trick, especially now that they've tried to fix the scaling above level 10.
The contents in NC scales to your level after 10? What kind of scaling are we talking about Or am I misinterpreting this
It doesn't so much as a scale to your level, but follows DnD raw where a lower level character will gain more XP from a creature than a higher level character. It looks at the difference in CRs. A level 5 character will gain more XP from killing a CR 11, (if he can and live) than a level 7 character killing the same creature.
I was quite worried there for a second :dizzy: Thank you for taking your time explaining this To op, I think if you take account of resting then killing respawn creatures. There is technically infinite xp in this game
Right there is, but the feats and such are only in for 20 and below and some of those just couldn't be done. There IS a great deal of over level 10 feats and spells though.