Hello. Is it possible to make a separated thread for small fixies and beta relases that keeps only posts containing the files relased by modders but that are not included into the general Co8 patch? I was thinking about the file to maximize HP, the fixed protos that contains shuriken and ioun stones working from backpack and stuff.... Now I donwloaded them but I forgot what files are old, what are not, what are for wich fix and so on. Having them all grouped together would be much more easy. Every person that post a file there should only add a SHORT description and is his/her responsability to edit that message accordingly with latest Co8 patch relases. For example, if Bob makes the file A and then it is included into the latest Co8 patch, then it is Bob's duty to edit his own post to remove that file. What do you think?
Morpheus had the great idea to stick all the patches and stuff in one forum with individual threads for ease of use.
The only thing missing from the download section right now is all the additional content stuff, like those items Allyx made and the Ioun stone changes. Is there anything else that should be listed? At the moment, only I can post there (I think). Keeps things nice and tidy. Just PM me if you want to have a link added/changed.
Well, actually the protos.tab that I'm using is fixing a couple of monsters' stats and some other minor things, including the dual weapon test, but I think that, at the moment, it is too few to justify a new file posted. Instead I'm anxious to see something that I helped Drifter to do