Tolub & The Eye of the Tiger

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Ayce, Jul 28, 2005.

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  1. Ayce

    Ayce Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    I've got a new bug, can't figure out how to squash it.

    Tolub calls me a cheat every time I try to brawl with him and initiates combat with everyone in the tavern. This happens when I throw the first punch every time.

    Sometimes I talk to bertram outside, sometimes inside, sometimes I do the assassination quest first, sometimes I don't. I even tried reloading from a previous part of the game. Finally, desperate, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it with the patches.

    I installed patch2, Co8 patch 3.0.4 & Moebius' zip file with his temple.dll (in that order).

    Please note, I did not have this problem the last time I went through the game with the same mods.

    Tolub just wigged out this time around for no apparent reason. Also why can't his pick his pockets (evey time I get "pick pocket suceeded", nothing appears in my inventory.

    BTW, does anyone happen to know the console command for a ring of protection +3 and Kella's ring of change (allows hill giant form). I'd like to get these items without having to kill the respective NPCs. Thanx

    While I have people's attention, I would also like to address an issue I have with a bard/sorcerer I am running. He can't cast is full compliment of spells from both classes, as far as I can tell, he only gets to cast his maximum number of spells from the class with the highest daily limit. In other words, his sorcerer level allows him 4 1st level spells and his bard level allows him 3 first level spells, it seems he can only cast 4 1st level spells per day. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

    Thanx for you time again, folks.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2005
  2. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    RoP +3: give 6084
    RoC: give 6118

    You can find these and other item codes here: Stuff/TOEE Formatted Item List.htm
    Just beware that some items may not be supported for your game and may cause crashes.

    As for the spell thing, is the problem that you can't memorize them? Forgive me for asking the obvious question, but have you checked the tabs up at the top of the memorization screen that let you select which class's spells you're choosing from?

    Not sure about the Tolub thing. Make sure you have all weapons and such unequipped, and make sure non-lethal damage is checked under your combat options.
  3. Ayce

    Ayce Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Thanx for the help.

    I'm not sure what your trying to ask me about the spell storing, remember, he's a bard/sorcerer, his spells are charisma based (in both classes). I chose different spells for each class and avoided redundancy. But like I said, he's supposed to be able to cast 4 1st level sorcerer spells and 3 1st level bard spells. He always seems to run out of "available spells" after casting 4 regardless of which class he cast them from (???).

    If you're confused, so am I..... :p
  4. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Tolub problem: If you have no weapons in hand, you are not using a character who can do lethal damage with his fists, and you are not casting spells while in combat, then it is a bug. If an uninstall/re-install didn't help, then it may be a bug in the save game, in which case you'll have to work around it or start over from an earlier save.

    Work Around: Deep Slumber can be used to just knock out everyone in the tavern without killing them. You can do the same thing by just checking Non-Lethal Damage in everyones radial menu and just beating everyone in the tavern unconscious. You can loot their pockets after knocking them out.

    Bard-Sorc: Check your radial menu. You shoul have one set of spells marked Bard leading off of the menu and another marked Sorcerer. If casting one from the Bard set takes one off of the Sorcerer set, it's a bug. If not, you're OK, and just need to track which set you're casting from.
  5. Heavydan85

    Heavydan85 Drinking Champion

    Jun 21, 2005
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    If you have any levels in rogue and get a sneak attack he hates you and calls you a cheater. That really annoyed me when i gave a monk the first level in rogue once. If you don't attack your first round and let him go first that should be avoided.
  6. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    So, you have been memorizing the bard's spells by going into the inventory and selecting the magic icon on the top to get into his spell list, then filling the boxes under the bard tab?

    Sorcs don't need to memorize anything, but bards do. They've got to select what spells they'll use before resting. You do that through the inventory.

    Once that's done, you should, as the previous poster indicated, have 2 choices for spells from the radial menu. If you don't, despite filling the bards spell slots with memorized spells and resting, then it's a bug.
  7. Ayce

    Ayce Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    No, the bard doesn't have to memorize spells either (he doesn't have boxes to fill in like a wizard, his spells work like a sorcerer) and yes, I do get both bard and sorcerer selection on the radial menu. All his learned spells are there for both classes and it even says 4/4 on sorcerer 1st level and 3/3 on bard 1st level.

    This is what I'm trying to say. Let's say he casts 1 bard spell and 3 sorcerer spells, he can't cast anymore. The radial menu will still say sorcerer 1/4 1st level spells and bard 2/3 1st level spells, but when I try to cast them, the game says he's "out of available spells." I'd say that definitely qualifies as a bug.

    I'll try that on Tolub Heavydan, does anyone have any idea why I still can't pick his pockets?

  8. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Yup. I just used the console to create a Bard/Sorcerer, and I got the same bug. I'm using Atari Patches 1&2 and the Co8 Fan Fixes, as well as Liv's mod.

    So, um, I don't know how to fix it. But, you are right, it is there. ;)

    Sometimes you will successfully pick a characters pockets but still not get his equipped items. However, if you knock Tolub out with non-lethal damage or a Deep Slumber spell, you can strip him without killing him.
  9. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Okie dokey, I'm a moron. :nosebleed
    I guess that's what I get for never playing bards, and then mouthing off about them.
  10. Ayce

    Ayce Member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Ok, I give up on the Tolub bug.

    I went back to a save game when I first entered Nulb (I suppose I could try going back further, but...............)

    I also tried Heavydan's suggestion of letting Tolub have the first shot, he still called me a cheater as soon as he took his first shot and instigated a riot in the tavern (which by the way forces you to deal with Lodriss, if you kill her, you get the Assaassin reputation just as if you'd done the Assassination quest).

    You could just put her to sleep, but she'll be hostile every time you enter the tavern after that.

    Apparantly, Tolub just doesn't brawl with rogues...................
  11. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Yes, but then if you complete the Assassin quest first (whichever way you like), you'll never have a reason to enter the tavern again. ;)
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I don't think bards are meant to multi-class - I mean, they are meant to be a jack of all trades as it is.
  13. OldSchoolGamer

    OldSchoolGamer Lurking Sith

    Jan 4, 2005
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    And masters of none.

    It's not that I don't like bards, but all they do in my parties is take up space. Sure, Inspire Courage and the extra healing magic is nice, but...
  14. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    I find them pretty useful.

    At level 1 they can give every other party member +1 to Hit and Damage almost all the time, which is a big deal at that stage. They can also use fascinate in battles with multiple foes to take the most dangerous foe out of combat until all the minions are dealt with. If your Wizard scribes a few Sleep scrolls, the Bard can use them, meaning that the targets will have to save vs sleep twice at the start of the combat. At level 2 they get you early access to Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and now the Ogre and the Giant are much easier to take. As they level, you'll keep using them for Enchanment spells, and if they take Scribe Scroll they can teach those spells to your Wizard. Give them a stack of Cure Light WOunds scrolls or healing potions and they make solid combat healers as well. Max their Use Item skill, and by level 7 they'll be throwing Fireballs (from scrolls or wands) almost as reliably as your Wizard, healing, buffing, and still finding a chance to Fascinate and Charm targets.

    A Fighter/Rogue with maxed Use Item and a stack of Cleric and Wizard scrolls fills the Bard's roll better by level 8 or so (IME), but I haven't been unhappy with the Bards I've taken through.
  15. OldSchoolGamer

    OldSchoolGamer Lurking Sith

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I'm not saying they're not useful; I'm just finding that I can fill the slot I'd have to use with another fighting character more effectivly. Of course, if I pick up Zaxis, I'll use him, but I'll almost never make a Bard PC.
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