<a target=_blank href=http://wwww.troikagames.com>Troika</a>'s <b>Steve Moret</b> has posted a <a target=_blank href=http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=335222>new post</a> at the Atari forums today: <ul> HI EVERYBODY! Sorry I've been away so long, I've been working on other things (if you can believe that). But Christmas is coming and that means VACATION! And you know what vacation means, yup I get bored, and that means... you guessed it I'm gonna work on Temple code in my free time! Weee! In a nutshell I was planning on taking the Temple Code home over the Christmas break and fix up any bugs I notice (or that people inform me of). Rumor is that Huy will probably come and visit and help out a too. This isn't a promise of a second patch, because, quite frankly, it has to go thru Atari. But it is a promise that we will deliver a second patch to Atari to hopefully release (which I don't see why they wouldn't want to do so). So lets get a post-patch bug thread going so I have plenty of things to work on this Christmas break, keep in mind that I don't want to see my family or loved ones. So a big long heafty list is good. Also, if there is someone from Circle of Eight (<a href=http://www.co8.org>www.co8.org</a>) that would like to get ahold of me so we can coordinate our fixes that'd be appreciated. Any questions private message, or e-mail, or reply to <a target=_blank href=http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=335222>this thread</a>. Spoiler: p.s. to my family and loved ones I'm just kidding, I really do want to see you, but I also want to make a rockin game, hope you still love me after new years</ul> Later, he was asked these questions: <ul><i>if you dont mind me asking, why exactly does it HAVE to go through atari? if you do it on your spare time and not on the companies dollar then couldnt you just release it as a fan mod through Co8? of course unless its the main .exe your planning on altering... </i></ul> And replied: <ul>Because the game is owned by Atari, the intellectual properties (the D20 System and specifically Dungeons and Dragons) are owned by Wizards of the Coast and they do not allow just anybody to release whatever they want. While D20 is part of the "Open Gaming License" there are very specific clauses regarding electronic forms of D20. While Atari & WotC are not likely to hunt down <a target=_blank href=http://www.co8.org>co8</a> people, I am an employee of Troika Games LLC, (who was contracted by Atari via cooperation of WotC), and can be held responsible for damage to the licenses not to mention all of the legal mumbo jumbo that is in hundreds of pages of contract which limit Troika's (and thus my) ability to release said patch. This is regardless to whether or not it is a modification, expansion, patch, .exe change, or even a new piece of art. My hope is to present Atari with a new ToEE.exe and ToEE4.dat (or ToEE5.dat if necessary) in order to fix as many more issues we can solve. It is also my hope that if Atari does a reprint of the game that these official patch changes can get incorporated into it. Besides, doing things the legal way is the right way. And why would Atari not want to release another patch. Besides the minor bandwidth cost (which is proportional to game sales) they get this practically for free.</ul> Let us hope we'll get the new patch as soon as possible. Good luck, Steve! Cheers, <b>OddHat</b>!