The Keep on the Borderlands Demo - Download and Installation Guide

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Shiningted, Feb 2, 2008.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    The KotB Demo is up! For those who don't know, it is being hosted by ModDB, so you may download it from there!

    DOWNLOAD HERE FROM ModDB [disabled]

    There's even a mirror on FileFront!


    Note: the KotB Demo requires ToEE patched to Atari patch 2, and Microsoft .NET v2. If you do not have both of these installed follow ALL the Instructions below. If you do have them (and regular Co8 players shoud) just go straight to step 5.

    The KotB Demo also requires Winzip. Thanks to Zeb for steps 1-4.

    Installation Instructions:

    STEP 1

    Install Microsoft .NET 2.0.

    If you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 2, you will probably already have Microsoft .NET installed on your system. To find out for certain if you already have .NET installed, go to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. If .NET is installed, it will be listed there.

    STEP 2

    Install the game.


    This is not always necessary but some people just cannot install patch 2 without installing patch 1 first. If you are one of those people, like me, install patch 1. If your version of the game is prepatched to version 3, DO NOT use this patch - forget you ever saw this step.

    STEP 4

    Install Atari patch 2.

    STEP 5

    Install the KotB Demo you have downloaded from ModDB;

    Extract to the root folder (...Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil). Step-by-step this means:

    - open the with Winzip

    - press 'extract'

    - select 'all files' and 'use folder names' (probably already selected)

    - navigate to ...Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil

    - press extract

    When this step is complete, you should have some new items in your Temple of Elemental Evil folder, alongside current folders such as data, modules, temple.dll, ToEE1.dat - ToEE4.dat, ToEE.exe and whatever Co8 stuff you have already installed. You should now have KotBFE.exe, data.KotB and some new docs and a .jpg. If you have these, proceed. If you do not, you have unzipped to the wrong folder.

    STEP 6

    READ THE PLAYERS GUIDE in its .doc or txt form. I mean it - read it. People who post questions about things in the game that are answered in the Guide will be shown no mercy.

    STEP 7

    Play the game by running KotBFE.exe.

    Additional Information:

    Two things:

    ONE: The Co8 Voice and Portrait Pack are NOT compatible with KotB. We've been trying too hard and you've been waiting too long to go into details here: sufice it to say this will be remedied - and indeed, surpassed - in the near future, but for the moment, please just play without it. Trying to put the portraits in will break the game - you have been warned.

    TWO: There's a patch! The patches for the Demo will be cumulative, so at any given time you only need to download the latest one, which is:

    >>>>>>> DOWNLOAD 1.0.3 PATCH FROM HERE [disabled] <<<<<<<

    Installation Instructions for the Patch:

    Firstly, we have to use the Front End to deactivate the KotB module as the default module. If you are installing the patch immediately after installing the Demo, without ever having run it, you may skip this and go straight to installing the If you are not certain, check your Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil folder and see if you have a folder called data.KotB. If so, go straight to installing the

    If not, you will have to deactive the KotB module as the default module using the following step.

    - run KotBFE. Choose a module OTHER than Keep on the Borderlands (Co8 5, perhaps, or just Temple of Elemental Evil). Run game, then immediately quit. Do NOT run KotBFE again before installing the CMF!!!

    This should make something OTHER than KotB the default data module, and cause the KotB data module to revert to data.KotB. So, once this step is done, you should have a folder data.KotB in your Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil folder, alongside the data folder and the modules folder.

    Installing the

    This involves:

    - double-click on the the zip to open it with Winzip

    - select 'all' and 'overwrite existing files'

    - extract to your root folder (your Atari / Temple of Elemental Evil folder)

    Once this is done, clear the map cache and run KotBFE and select Keep on the Borderlands. The description in the window of KotBFE should now have an updated version number to match the version of the CMF you just installed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2009
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