Welcome to The Interrogation Chamber, a new thread wherein I intend to cross examine Co8 modders on the status of their manifold projects - from wistfully imagined total conversions to silently brooded over AI tweaks to major Greyhawk city expansions that shall remain nameless. Anything posted on the boards in this regard is fair game, and be forewarned that I did a fair amount of research in this area in preparation for the IRC meeting. Unfortunately, the IRC proved to be an ineffective environment for this type of discussion, so I pledged to follow up on it here instead. And follow up I will. Much as Blue has begun beating modders over the head with the new master protos file, I will beat you over the head with your meshes, new NPCs, particle system effects, and anything else I can get my hands on. Combined, we will make your lives miserable! A new day is dawning at Co8, one that will cast away the pretenders and leave those that remain a broken shadow of themselves! One by one you will be brought in to sit in the chair and have bright lights shone in your eyes. Pointed questions will be asked. Accusations will be made. Ultimately, confessions will be secured. oint: Actually, I hope that this thread will serve as an organizational service of sorts, as well as a motivational one. The timetable for the whole thing will be geared toward meeting the 4.1.0 release. And what I'm really asking for is just a current status account of whatever the query is, and whether or not you project it to be ready for the 4.1.0 release, assuming it hasn't been scuttled. Furthermore, this thread can serve as a forum for debate on whether these various mods should be included. I'll begin interrogating the first subject within a day's time, so be ready! :raving: (Oh, and in case anyone's thinking of being cute, Lord_Spike will be lurking in the darkened corner with the rubber hose.) :mrhappy: Dates to remember: April 25, 2006 - Deadline for submitting source material to C-Blue May 2, 2006 - Projected release date for Co8 4.1.0
Allyx: Verbo-Mod SILENCE! :evil: Well, there's only one way to start this thing off, and you all know what it is . . . Allyx, please hold forth on the status of Verbo-Mod.
Verbo-mod progress... Ooo Gaear and Spike are doing the "good cop, bad cop" routine! <Cracks under presure> Alright I'll talk, just don't gimme the hose. Maps - done. Dialogues - 3 or 4 left to do (Zebedee said he's gonna do one, I need a shot DLG for the gnome king, and the Viscount's other advisor, and I'm thinking of doing one for the Drow matriarch - communing with Lolth perhaps). Quests - I've got 4 done and working nicely, another 2 in the works that depend mostly on Zebedee's dialogue. Monsters/NPC's - good guy's are mostly done (just the gnome king to do, and maybe a few melee equipped guards in front of the underdark entrance (where the Xbow gnomes are), bad guy's aren't too far from completion (need 2 more human types, and a bunch of Drow and an assortment of spiders that Heavydan said he'd do). NPC to NPC interaction - Just Toruko to the Hextor priest so far, but if anyone wants to have a go at making Elmo, Otis, Y'day and Murfles talk to thier employer (the Viscount) your more than welcome to. Beta testing - well you know how these things go, you send a link to the FTP to friends for testing, and they almost never post any feedback on it... Meh, I have been testing as I go along however, and so far it all works nicely (except the stuff that isn't done yet). Worldmap button - Bradrinwi was dealing with this, and apparently got the button working, but couldn't get the blackguard prestige class to trigger as he wanted it to, I'm still without a worldmap button, but the dialogue workaround I have in place works (but isn't as elegant as i'd like it to be). Estimated completion date - If those guy's who are helping out, finish soon I should meet the deadline, If people wanna help with the dialogue writting, then that's all good too.
Thanks Axl, this is just the sort of comprehensive update I'm looking for. :thumbsup: Sadly, this is basically the case universally anymore. Virtually no one will test anyone's mods, and virtually no one will provide feedback on anyone's efforts. At least its not something that can be counted on. We're pretty much left to testing our own stuff and providing our own motivation. Not really sure why this is, but it is. :shrug: I suppose it's best that we all just proceed as free agents in this regard. It should be noted that people do play this stuff ultimately, however, and that in the end we have the satisfaction of knowing that people are using and enjoying our work. I always figured that modding was mainly its own reward anyhow. As for me, I basically don't even play the game anymore. If I ever fire it up it's to test some little thing, either for myself or, most recently, for testing Darmagon's spells, which I was involved in. I won't bullshit you and say that I simply can't find a spare moment to play Verbo-Mod, because if I really wanted to help out I suppose I could, but it does seem to be the case that I don't often find myself sitting around with idle time on my hands. Your point is well-taken though. With that, Allyx, you may exit the chamber . . . (begins eyeing next subject)
Krunch: Female Redhed Bard NPC Alright, in what might be seen as an attempt to maneuver himself into the position of Spike's Renfieldian Evil Assistant in the darkened corner, Krunch has circumvented the interrogation process and volunteered the following information to me via PM regarding his Female Redhed Bard NPC. I post it here for addition to the record. No doubt the boyfriend found this proposal somewhat disquieting . . . but good luck with the others.
Re: Testing... We need to recruit some testers from among the players-at-large in the forum. These should be folks who are able to put stuff where it belongs as it relates to inserting the new material in the game & getting it to work is concerned. They can earn a place in the credits as "play testers" if they provide feedback in a timely & constructive fashion. They should be fairly saavy members who've been around a bit; being a modder is of course optional; but they are the ones most likely to know how to do this without totally F'in up their game; this being a likely source of hesitation among finding testers in the first place....
The unfortunate reality is that most modders are too busy modding to really play the game anymore. Oh, we do our best, using the multitude of testing saves we have, to run through all eventualities we can think of in testing our mod. But then we post it and move on to the next item on the ever growing list of projects to tackle. Still, nothing compares to a fresh set of eyes that don't know how the mod should work running through the whole game to truly test a mod.
This is a fine summation, Spike. Would you by any chance care to head up a beta testing department? I would think the job would involve recruiting, organization, and orderly reporting, and not neccesarily any playtesting on your part. I know I've seen a few volunteers post their willingness to contribute over the past few months, but of course I don't recall where. I would think a search of "beta test" or "playtest" would return some usable results.
Cerulean the Blue: Shopmap Expansion Next question . . . Some time ago Blue voiced a desire to add a new NPC to Allyx's shop map, one that would initiate dialogue with the party, explain what each merchant sells, and tell the party what to do when they're ready to adventure. What's the deal with this one, C-Blue?
The deal with that is two-fold: One, no one really seemed very interested, and two, because of that it was never high on my priority list so I never got around to it. It is an easy thing to do if we want it. An hour worth of work, tops.
Sheesh, a rant about how no-one tests, someone offers to be a tester, and u folks ignore him! Way to go! :rant: Long-time lurkers would be perfect, Ugignadl. Try sending Spike a private message.