Warp Wood is done and so for the most part is Iron Body. Heroes Feast is completely outlined and ready for first testing. Allyx did some work on some of the power word spells and that extends to the Glyph spells somewhat.. And I am working on 'Flame Arrow'' as I type. The spells are falling one by one and will continue to do so more quickly as I pull down the ramparts and find where each one fits properly. Up till now has been a process of learning (and there may still be some learning to take place) how each different type of spell might best be implemented. Now I have a good overview of the basic types and should be able to provide more frequent updates from here on in. You can start testing Warp Wood with the attachment below. EDIT: If you have tried warp wood before now you are probably scratching your head saying "What is that Darmagon guy going on about, it does nothing...." Oops, sorry. New attachment uploaded GMT 4:25 03/01/2006. Darmagon
Great news. I must say, being a fan of new content and considering new spells to be new content, I find your advances in this area exceptionally encouraging. Keep it up, Big D! :yes: BTW - if you should need an 'advance beta tester,' I'd be happy to give your new stuff a whirl. Still got my old high level party hanging around the Welcome Wench and everything. :bored: :mrhappy:
Hey Darmagon, that's great news! looking forward to seeing them spells in action :thumbsup: Are you planning to add the "Power Word Deaf" spell for bards - it's not too useful for other classes but bards have always been somewhat lacking in offensive spell choices, and with it being somewhat sound (or lack thereof) based it fits well with the other bards spells.
Hi, this is my first post here and I'd like to thank you guys for the awesome work that you've been doing. I'd like to ask if there are any plans for "Flame Sword" or whatever it's called. It was a fairly low level Druid spell if I remember correctly. It would probably not be too hard since there is already a graphic for a flaming long sword in the game. I thought it would be useful since there are only a few offensive spells for low level druids. All the new high level content is pretty cool. I haven't had any problems with anything that hasn't already been identified (Delayed Fireball, Mass Heal etc.). Thanks again Jason
Hmm, saw your post and was going to go on about how most of flame blade was fairly simple except for the touch attack part. I decided to actually check it out and now I have an almost complete implementation of flame Blade using produce flame as the basis with some additions. Changed it over to a melee spell from a ranged spell, the max bonus is increased to 10 from 5 for produce flame, and since I can't get produce flame to use a d8 I have added a further bonus of + 2 to compensate. Now the problem I am having is that the spell ends too eary and I don't know why yet. The major bonus was that the eye-candy for the spell was already in the game, which made that part much easier Darmagon
Hmm, produce flame itself has the same problem it seems. And in case anyone is wondering, yes I do know that each actual attack with a flame reduces the spell duration by one minute. But for a 6th level caster, with the spell cast in melee, used once per round, 3 uses should still leave 3 minutes (or 3 uses). Seems to be a bug in the game, as far as I can tell. Darmagon
Darmagon, Is there a link to your most recently revised/created spells since version 4.0? It would be nice to have all of your new spells in one location/post. Keep up the good work it's really appreciated.... mb eace: eace: :notworthy
Not sure if this is what you actually mean but here is a link to the new spells thread http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2676 Darmagon
If you are looking for something to beta test, Gaear, then I would really appreciate your input on Warp Wood. I think it is an important, and neglected, low level Druid spell that could really add some oomph to a low level party's defense in certain instances (among other things). For instance: Warp Wood the Emridy meadows Hill Giant' and he has minus four to hit (his club is severely bent and less useful). Might allow your 3rd-4th level fighter to get that extra round or three in necessary to beat him into the dirt; 5-foot stepping moathouse brigand crossbowmen gving you a hard time? Warp Wood 'em and they can't hit at all!; Haven't got a rogue or a wizard to open that (mundane) locked chest/door? if it's made of wood, try warp wood, it might work; Want to take Lubash down a notch? Warp Wood him, minus four..... And the higher level the druid, the more wooden things he can affact (one medium sized object/level).... Please note: even if the weapon has a non-wood material in the protos, Warp wood might still affect it. For example, a Greataxe is categorized as metal in the Protos, but actually has a wooden handle. So Warp wood applies to Greataxes... EDIT: but beware, if what you Warp Wood on is a magical item. The fix for that is not included in the "test" release. Also, if you have applied any scripting to a weapon (ie if the weapon is not 100% protos derived), that won't be accounted for..... Darmagon
If you have tried to use Warp Wood please redownload as the first post did not contain the whole thing (and thus did not work properly.) The time is 6:49 PM GMT, O3/01/2006. Please see the first post in this thread. Darmagon
@ Allyx - seems to me we could use the distance thnig to make them dang well cast in range, too (not lob the thing from one side of the dungeon to the other). Might change it to 'is safe to fireball'...