I was trying to make a repeating crossbow, just an ordinary one, not a unique one like Wonnilon's or an uber one like Iolo's, and I couldn't actually find a repeating element in the protos. SO I tested the existing ones (specifically Wonnilon's) and found its not repeating in any way. I gave it to Elmo, let him have a shot, then moved next round and tried to fire again and sure enough, it said "not enough time" because it was trying to add a reload cycle. I checked the .dll strings and there is a reference to 'repeating_crossbow' in a mess of weapon types (not in with the weapon bonuses), so i tried changing the weapon type from light_crossbow to repeating_crossbow. This created a weapon type apparently unrecognised by the game, to the extent that even fighters like Elmo treat the weapon as non-proficient. BUT... the repeating part worked! Elmo loosed, then later moved, reloaded and loosed all in one round. Any ideas? Is there some way we can add 'repeating_crossbow' to the 'simple weapons' list? IS there a 'simple weapons' list?
I suspect this is hard coded and would be a good question to ask the Amazing Bradrinwi with his hacksaw dll performance.
Some thoughts... 1. Goof with the name some more to get something that is recognized as a proficient weapon; 2. Goof with the character some to give them proficiency with this weapon; 3. Give these properties to a weapon that is recognized as something they are proficient with & keep that as the new weapon. What you've discovered beats hell out of using the damn thing as a club any day!
Yeah, having to take a weapon proficiency defeats the purpose ever so slightly... its mean to spare u taking Rapid Reload in the first place (as I'm sure every one of u is aware). But it SHOULD be a simple weapon, it should be up there with Spike's aforementioned club as the simplest weapon there is, just point, shoot and it reloads itself. I'll keep tinkering - it's probably a .dll hack as Krunch says, but there is always a workaround We COULD make it +4 (or whatever cancels out using a non-proficient weapon) but that red box around it is soooooooooo inelegant.
Ideally, yes. But its a question of where the bugger is located. I don't think there is a file for it, I think this assignations are made in the .dll as Krunch suggested. EDIT: Found this in feat.mes: {47}{Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Crossbow)} Good call ACE! Now, if this is not accessable in game - and its a frigging stupid feat imho for the reasons I outlines above (shouldn't need a feat to use a weapon that is meant to save u using a feat in the first place, nor for a weapon that is by its nature simple to use - how can a light crossbow be simple but a repeating crossbow be complicated enough to need a feat???) - what should we do? I suggest the theoretical feat be granted automatically when u equip the weapon, so u can just use it as a simple weapon. Objections? Offended rules lawyers? Bad idea? O and C-blue, u said it didn't exist as a feat. See me in my office... :angry:
When I said it didn't exist as a feat in the game, I meant I created a new character, made him an fighter, and took the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, and the Repeating Crossbow did not come up as one of the weapons I could take a feat for. How feats get from feat.mes to actually being selectable in the game I do not know. I do know that one isn't making it, and I do know that when moebius2778 added the new Monk feats, it took a .dll hack.
Yeah I know Bluey, just winding u up. Thats why I said, "if this is not accessable in game" because I fully believe u when u say it isn't. Interestingly, there is also a proficiency for the Drow hand-crossbow which I was thinking of adding (if Allyx hasn't already). The thing about it is, the weapon actually works, even if the feat doesn't. So a feat to make the weapon proficient shouldn't, in theory, be that difficult. No other feedback? I think I am gonna have to poll u lazy sods. :yawn:
ive always seen the reapeating xbow as a bit more technological than a normal xbow ( even if it was spose to be simple)......hence the feat requirement i think the orignal ones from 2nd edn dnd days was to allow a xbow to be used like a bow, ie same fire rates etc..before days of feats and stuff... so that said its prob a carry over from then.
No i thought u might be adding hand crossbows for ur Drow. Not that the Verbo-mod has Drow or anything, thats a surprise :nervous:
Hand Xbow's would be sweet if we can get them working, bolts covered in sleep poison would be sweet too, but I don't know if that can be done (or at least I don't know howto do it).
Well Nerik or someone is working on this very issue for their Nixie-arrows. Lets hope it works. Hand Crossbows - baby crossbows that fire with the wand animation?