With the DLL fixes, the new Hickory Branch MOD [new monsters and items], the new voices, the monk fixes and new monk stuff, all of Blues fixes and new stuff, the updated Worldmap, Cujos new stuff, new spells and spell fixes, and the dialogue fixes--have I left anything out(?)--is it too much to think the latest Co8 5.0.2 fixes should actually be named something like Co8 5.5.0 MOD when the its executable installation package is released? What do the modders think? (yes/no)
Sounds great. I've been away from business for too long so I'm not really sure - are the Verbobonc and the Hickory Branch now accessible via the worldmap instead of the usual dialog clicking? This would be a neat feature anyway. Maybe it actually is in there by now, I'm just not sure (my Uni business is taking too much of my time unfortunately). I guess something like above is sure to ascertain that the latest installment of the Co8 mod installer should be called 5.5.0 and not 5.0.2... - Agetian
Yes, I added the new paths with the pathmapper, and added the paths to the .dll with the worldmapper, they all work in game, I just haven't released it yet. (but it is on the FTP if you want a sneak peak)
Woohoo, I'm glad you're still in business! I'll take a sneak peak once I'm home. Then I vote that this should be finished and released before switching to 5.5.0. Once it's done, it's a sure thing it should go 5.5.0! - Agetian
Well guys, the 5.0.2 name is just a placeholder of sorts. I was originally intending to call it 5.1.0 (it really does deserver a higher version name than 5.0.2 - not that I've ever really understood the whole naming convention thing), but I was worried that it would be far to easy to confuse 5.0.1 and 5.1.0, and I had already delayed wrapping Spellslinger's v11 and v12 into the CMF far too long while trying to decide how to handle it. Long story short, I felt the need to get it out there, and not really knowing what to call it I just called it 5.0.2. In truth, I don't know if 5.5.0 really does it justice. It is the greatest leap in bug fixing we have had in quite a while, thanks to Spellslinger. And HB is great new content. As always, I will go with whatever the community decides.
I'm totally cool with making the jump to 5.5, considering the large amount of bug fixes and new content involved. However, provided the content creators consent (say that three times fast), I'd like to go over the new content like I did the existing monsters and such for rules consistancy for 5.0before we release a new install package, if that's okay with everyone. That way any additional fixes would be bug-related instead of content-related (and I'll look at the crystal oozes and their poison while I'm at it.) Does that sound reasonable?
I'm ok with that Kalshane, I've already altered all the dialogue files of all the people who can take you to Verbobonc to take advantage of the new worldmap paths so they work kinda differently... Instead of teleporting you to Verbobonc, instead they will mark it on your map if you don't know where it is, and join your group if you do, then you need to take them there (and make sure they survive) or let them go free (so you can continue adventuring in the temple and visit Verbobonc at your leisure). These files are all bundled up together on the FTP. I've also got another fix in the works that makes paladin's fall if they assassinate the Viscount. this however is not yet in the same .rar as the worldmap paths as they depend on a .dll fix that hasn' been released yet. The support files for this are also on the FTP even though the .dll isn't.
I'd love to see an official 5.1 release, but would people really get confused between 5.0.1 and 5.1? Probably, so maybe make it 5.2 since 5.0.2 has been out around 10 minutes I doubt that would be an issue? It may be good to follow an odd/even unstable/stable model a bit like Linux. So 5.0 is the 1st stable release of 5, and 5.1 is the bugfix/update version which then gets finalised and released as 5.2, whereupon we start on 5.3! Once that is ready for release, v5.4 gets released etc. I think that a 5.2 upgrade should be finished off as there's some outstanding stuff that needs to go in first, like Allyx Verbo update, and then just tested for a while with nothing by fixes for couple of weeks i.e. no new content goes in. Any new content would have to go into a 5.3 CF. During this 'stabilisation' time, it would be having Kalshane go over rules compliance. (I think you need an official badge mate!) Once we're happy with 5.2 then build and release the official full install package announcing it to the world along with plans for world domination... :evil_laug This is simply an idea that occurred to this co8 noob just now, so feel free to shoot it down in flames... EDIT: Okay I've read the thread properly now, without constant interruptions from children, and it seems everyone's agreed on v5.5 - fair enough. It is a big jump in content & fixes. I still think that we need to stabilise and test what we have a bit more before officially releasing to the masses though. :cool2:
V5.5 is cool with me considering it's the first official release of Hickory Branch, and the .dll is in better shape now than it has ever been in before, I like to think that the worldmap paths I made make the new content feel more professional as well, no longer the "hacked in via dialogue" feel we've all grown acustomed to.
5.5 is certainly fine with me if that's what people want. I like Hazelnut's suggestion about odd and even numbers though myself. We could always go with 5.4 or 5.6 if people wanted. I would obviate the need for a second decimal place which we aren't really using anyway (or we'd be at least 5.0.9 by now) ;-). Just a thought. Cuchulainn.
@Hazelnut: The answer is very much a big yes. People have signed-on here a lot and asked about 5.1.0 when they should have been asking about 5.0.1. It is very common. I suggested 5.5 [or if we are going odd/even like linux and windows patches and service packs], it should be named 5.5 [or 5.6] as there is so much new game content as well as fixes. I did not want to just come out and say it should be version 6.0.0 - that is, unless the modding team wants it that way. Personally, I believe 5.5.0 or 5.6.0 is just fine for the final release version. Maybe when it is all said, including being tested and done with, we should just call it Co8 6.0.0 MOD. Then, we can find ShiningTed and can all start teaming up on Keep of the Borderland and knock it out. Is it time to put together a single list of what is needed to finish the newest, latest Co8 5 MOD updates toward releasing it, publically? Or, is it too soon? What about the Atari Bug list Gaear dragged over here from Atari? It would be great if that list now on the Co8 site would show fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, ..., fixed. What are your thoughts?
I'd say that by the time we are ready to compile everything into a single big executable package, we'll sure need to call it a Co8 Mod 6.0.0 anyway... Even now, the changes are so big (especially the DLL-related hacks and the introduction of Hickory Branch mod, as well as some more fixes and additions) that it should be called no less than 5.5.0. Seeing that new worldmap paths for Verbo-mod and the Hickory are on the way, as well as possibly more DLL- and non-DLL-fixes, I'd say that soon it'll have all rights to be called 6.0.0 instead. Great job, guys! Keep up the wonderful work! - Agetian
All the new modding lately is certainly deserving of it's own version number, but I'd personally like to see more of it, particularly of the Spellslinger variety, before we throw a new major release number on it and call it done. Mini-releases would be a great solution, but I don't think we can expect Blue and Morpheus to put up new installers for each new one. So perhaps the modern Co8 convention of using update packages is best afterall? And yes, my hope is that the Atari buglist will get a lot of attention in the near future. It doesn't do too well as a wallflower.