Over the next little while I'm going to try to port over the entirety of Atari's bug list to this thread. To my knowledge, the Atari bug list started by Bryce777 was the most recent and up to date list of it's kind, including numbered bugs, bug status, bug disposition, etc., etc. It is quite exhaustive and comprehensive, documenting over 500 bugs. Many of those are still scurrying around out there. I don't believe this list exists anywhere else as of yet, and with the ToEE board in the state it is over at Atari, I don't want to wake up one day and discover they've decided to close shop and skip town during the night, leaving the bug list and all the effort that went into it in the dumpster. Thread will be updated, please stand by. [edit] Oh yeah - I'm posting this in the ToEE forum so I can police it properly. Okay, below is an example of how this list will appear, in the form of the first 50 bugs. Additional posts to follow in groups of 50 bugs per post. Should be pretty self-explanatory. Line 1 is the bug number, line 2 is the bug's status - confirmed, fixed, etc. and by who, Line 3 is a description of the bug itself. Also, living bugs will appear in red. Unconfirmed bugs will appear in green. Erroneously reported bugs or bugs that can't be reproduced will appear in gray. Now would be a good time for those interested to review these and post any disagreements you may have. Remember that I didn't come up with this list myself. The last time it was tinkered with was late 2004 I believe, so there's bound to be inaccuracies. If you see something that's since been fixed, or found to not be a bug, or is a bogus report, post it here and I'll change it. Let's refrain from posting new bugs until the old list is complete. To further clarify, bugs that are red and confirmed need to be fixed; bugs that are green and unconfirmed need to be confirmed; bugs that are gray and misreported or unable to be reproduced can be ignored. If you intend to report on bug confirmation, please conduct a current test of the bug and then report, as opposed to reporting anecdotal old memories or anything like that. If you do test, be sure you do so using the latest Co8 mods over Atari 1 & 2. Thanks to Bryce777 and zhuge, who were the main forces behind this effort. I think the original idea was actually Troika's though, as they wanted to have a list of confirmed bugs before they went chasing them around for free. Kudos to Atari for funding 1 official patch for the buggiest game ever released. [edit] Will correct entries as info comes in. Moebius fix references will be changed to Co8 4.0.0 (where they first officially appeared). [edit] I'm reproducing the bug numbers and descriptions exactly as they appear in the Atari list. They seem to have skipped a few numbers here and there, so if you see blank bug numbers, that's what's going on. Maybe we'll assign any new bugs to the old blanks in the future. Also note that updates may occur from later reports in the Atari list, so what you see ATM is not necessarily the final word. [edit] Thanks to all those who are contributing their input to the buglist. If your response has been addressed within the buglist, your post will say ADDRESSED under the pertinent section. If it hasn't been addressed, it doesn't mean I haven't read it, just that the issue is unresolved at the moment.
Bugs 001 - 050 001 Misreported When clicking on unexplorable map area, game pauses several seconds. 002 Confirmed Lengthy lag when exploring some parts of temple, especially the nodes. Possibly due to pathfinding and fire animations. 003 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Power attack incorrectly giving +2 damage per point assigned instead of +1 damage for onehanded weapons wieled with a shield. 004 Fixed: Co8 3.0.3 Items can be marked as an NPC's when they are no longer in the NPC's inventory. 005 Fixed: Troika 1 In close quarters, sometimes monsters will appear in the walls when random encounters occur. 006 Fixed: Co8 3.0.3 Zombies do not have the proper immunities to backstab. 007 Fixed: Troika 1 Crafting items while items are equipped causes CTD. 008 Fixed: Co8 3.0.3 Fleeing from combat is not possible. 009 Fixed: Co8 3.0.3 Saving countess tilahi does not reward you with the blue elf armor. 010 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Halflings do not get a +4 bonus to hide. 011 Confirmed Metamagic feat for sorcerors creates two spells instead of one. 012 Misreported Pathfinding sometimes fails and characters stand in place. 013 Misreported Summon spells failing when undead in party. Same with companions. Not a bug as there is a 5 summoned creature limit. 014 Confirmed No radial menu option for an evil cleric to remove Rebuked and Commanded undead from the party. 015 Fixed: Co8 5.5.0 Evil clerics summoning or controlling undead have them become paralyzed. Dominated undead become paralyzed after 24 hrs. This may occur after resting and/or travelling for that long. **Re-verified by Aeroldoth w/Co8 5.0.1. According to the Atari thread, this bug was never actually known to have been fixed, just couldn't be reproduced. 016 Fixed: Co8 5.0.0 Gnolls have innapropriate damage resistance. 017 Cannot reproduce Some bugbears have innapropriate damage resistance. 018 Fixed: Co8 5.0.0 Galeb Dhurs' magic resistance should be overcome by magic weapons but is not. 019 Confirmed When casting spells, sometimes the cursor does not change. 020 Comfirmed Quicksave files can often be corrupted. 021 Fixed: Troika 1 Dwarf wearing silver plate armor causes CTD. 022 Fixed: Co8 3.0.4 Many NPCs get odd feat choices on level up. 023 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Ogres not getting their AC bonus leaving them with AC 8. 024 Fixed: Troika 2 When wearing a buckler with a two hand weapon or two weapon combo, a larger shield can be swapped into the place of the buckler by right clicking. 025 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Power attack does not reduce to-hit ability for monks. 026 Fixed: Troika 2 Light weapons should not give 1.5X str bonus when wiedled in 2 hands. 027 Confirmed Two handed weapons with a buckler should still give 1.5x str bonus. 028 Fixed: Troika 2 Magical projectiles add their bonus to melee attacks as well. 029 Confirmed Ability scores should not be drainable below 0. 030 Confirmed The +4 to attack roll for Helpless creatures should occur only on melee strikes, not ranged strikes. 031 Confirmed Paralyzed and sleeping opponents should get -5 Dex Penalty just like unconscious opponents. 032 Confirmed Prone bonuses/penalties should not apply to sleeping opponents since they are already Helpless. 033 Cannot reproduce Rogues with Improved Trip suffer a -4 non-lethal damage penalty to trip attack attempts. 034 Confirmed Characters get +4 vs. trip attempts from Improved Trip. 035 Confirmed Opportunist ability does not seem to function. 036 Fixed: Co8 5.0.1 Drinking potions causes no AoOs. 037 Confirmed A character hit by an AoO and paralyzed is allowed to complete his action. Similarly Entangled/Webbed enemies are allowed to complete their action before the spell takes effect. 038 Fixed: Co8 7.0.0 Summoned creatures should appear on your turn and act immediately. **Clarification: Summoned creatures should appear just after the caster in the initiative queue and act immediately. Sometimes though the creature appears and does not act, or appears elsewhere in the queue. 039 Confirmed Weapons that do BOTH piercing and slashing damage (ie dagger/scythe), will bypass an Ochre Jelly's immunities and not cause it to split. 040 Confirmed Blind characters can make ranged attacks. 041 Misreported Uncanny Dodge does not prevent flatfooted characters from being Sneak Attacked. It does, however, correctly allow them to apply their Dex bonus to AC while flatfooted. 042 Confirmed Stunned characters should be vulnerable to Sneak Attack. They are not. 043 Confirmed Creatures with natural weapons do non-lethal damage when they charge. This includes the Juggernaut and the assorted boars. 044 Confirmed The Web spell incorrectly requires a saving throw every round a character is within the area. There should be a single save when the spell is cast or when they first enter the area. The web spell also does not provide cover as it should. 045 Fixed: 5.5.0 Activating a bard's Inspire Courage in combat will cause the correct icon to appear, but the bonuses won't actually be applied to the character until the combat is over. If the ability is activated outside of combat, however, it will work during any subsequent combats you engage in. The bonuses should apply to all members of the party in range as soon as the ability is activated, whether in combat or out. 046 Fixed: Co8 5.5.0 Suggestion (a 3rd level spell) allows the player to add any creature as an NPC to the party. This is the equivalent of Dominate Monster, which is a 9th level spell. 047 Confirmed PCs may occasionally pass though doors without opening them. If combat subsequently starts, the door may then become unopenable in combat mode, effectively trapping the PC on the other side of the door with the combatants. 048 Confirmed The ability damage icon occasionally appears when PCs have not sustained any ability damage. 049 Confirmed The Silence spell does not prevent use of items that require verbal commands to use, like scrolls, wands and staves. 050 Fixed: Co8 7.3.0 You can sell a summoned shillelagh for a hefty sum, despite the fact that it vanishes when the spell is over. (So you can cast it over and over and keep selling it.)
Re: Future Home of the Atari Buglist Fixed in Co8 5.0 ADDRESSED ================================================== Fixed in Co8 5.0 ADDRESSED
Re: Home of the Atari Buglist Can you give a bit more detail on this one - I've got a sorc who uses metamagic feats and I've not noticed any problems. (Great work with the list BTW :clap: )
Re: Home of the Atari Buglist I think it's referring to that when you have a metamagic feat applied to a spell, that spell is listed twice in the sorcerer's spells known. It's a little weird, but doesn't cause any actual problem that I'm aware of. ================================================== ETA: This was fixed for PCs in one Co8 patch and then NPCs in 5.01. ADDRESSED
Bugs 051 - 100 051 Confirmed Sometimes secret doors become undetectable/ladder icons wont appear for whole game afetr that. 052 Cannot reproduce A ftr X/caster Y is considered a caster X+Y by the game, resulting in unfillable spell slots. 053 Cannot reproduce Level advancement for restricted classes may be broken (ftr->monk could take no further monk lvls). 054 Misreported Multiclassing, ToEE fails to recog. feats/features of the new class, hampering feat selection, etc. 055 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Martial Weapon Proficiency: All does not grey out any Martial Weapon Proficiency and does not enable Weapon Focus for Martial Weapons in that same levelup. But the feat does work after the levelup and Weapon Focus can be taken in future levelups. 056 Confirmed Dismissing NPCs after they die may result in nearby loot becoming unretrievable (happened at node guardian). 057 Confirmed Greater Invisibility: NPCs get infinite AoOs any time a PC provokes an AoO from an NPC under the effect of the spell. 058 Confirmed Sometimes a condition occurs when PCs become hostile (after animating dead or struck by damage without an enemy in sight). This condition prevents accessing doors to change maps till the hostile state ends by triggering a random encounter. 059 Irrelevent due to Humble NPCs NPC still mark loot that they don't take as non-lootable post patch. ("The items affected in this way are coins, gems, jewelry, arrows & quarrels.") 060 Fixed: Co8 7.3.0 Chest and barrels should not be marked as empty before you open them. 061 Misreported Locked door next to Zuggtmoy's throne leads nowhere. (unfinished area?) 062 Confirmed A condition occurs that Ranger/Rogues sometimes lose their first favored enemy and the leveling process is stuck when a second favored enemy is taken. (not easy to reproduce) 063 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Barbarians STILL get movement penalties on wearing medium armor post patch 1. 064 Misreported Paladin Detect Evil doesn't seem to work all the time. **Clarification: when the paladin first activates this ability, nothing is reported. Only on the next round, after scanning a certain area for a full round, are evil creatures detected. This complies with the rules for Detect spells. 065 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Stunning attacks for Monks can be used more often than possible: lvl 1 Monks can use 3X/day (should be 1). 066 Confirmed Track ability detects NPCs in the party. 067 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Cleric domains (Trickery, Travel) giving class skills do not retain the skills (as class skills) past lvl 1. 068 Confirmed "Invisibility to Undead" affects humans as well - get a _2 attack bonus. 069 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 / Troika 2 Strength domain gives access to Cat's Grace (lvl 2 spell). 070 Fixed: Troika 1 Lawful cleric w/ Law domain and Order's Wrath cannot craft Axiomatic weapons. 071 Confirmed Cleric w/ Sun domain can use greater turning more than once a day (Clerics with sun domain are allowed to do this - in one of the posts in here the reason is stated). 072 Confirmed All healing spells (except for mass healing spells) should have range touch, however in ToEE this does not always work the way it should. Sometimes a cleric can be 5-6 meters away from the character he's healing. 073 Confirmed Evil clerics can cast Lantern Archon (a good aligned spell). 074 Confirmed Evil clerics of Obad-hai channel positive energy. 075 Confirmed Charging wildshapes do not get their animal form attack. 076 Confirmed On combat rounds following a wildshape action, the druid's movement rate is reduced to 5. This is because the encumbrance of the player before shapeshifting is being calculated in seemingly. This affects my druid in every combat round where an enemy is present. Pressing "C" when no enemies are around the druid has a full movement. Happens even when druid not encumbered seemingly. 077 Confirmed NPCs will start sneaking when a player character starts to sneak. 078 Confirmed If a party member is sneaking, animal companions (black bear) are limited to five foot moves. 079 Misreported Druid gets only 1 attack in a form allowing multiple attacks. 080 Misreported Druids don't get Woodland stride (not implemented/not of real use). 081 Confirmed Druids can still cast spells and use druid special abilities when wearing metal shields and bucklers. 082 Confirmed Inspire Greatness: not available until lvl 10 (should be lvl 9). Multiple Inspire Greatness icons above character portrait (?). 083 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Inspire Courage: does not improve to +2 at lvl 8. **Clarification: Inspire Courage never stops because the bard is considered to be continually singing until they do something that prevents singing (casting a spell, resting, falling unconcious, traveling overland) at which point it ends after 5 rounds, per the rules. Starting Inspire Courage counts as a standard action in-game. 084 Confirmed Inspire Competence: works but shows wrong tab above portrait. 085 Unconfirmed Fascinate never improves wrt number of creatures fascinated. 086 Cannot reproduce Bard songs (inspire courage, morale bonus) does not stack with Prayer (luck bonus). 087 Confirmed Aura of courage Icon sometimes not visible above player portraits (after resting or loading a game). 088 Confirmed Aura of courage Icon still visible even when Paladin is unconscious or dead. 089 Confirmed Aura of courage Icon still visible even if char are > 10' from Paladin. 090 Confirmed Bracers of archery don't work correctly. They should give bow proficiency to such classes as wizards, sorcerers, clerics and druids, but they don't give it. 091 092 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Power attack if power attacking and fighting with two weapons, to-hit penalty should still apply to the off hand weapon, even if the bonus damage does not. 093 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Power attack can be selected at Str 12. 094 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Greater Spell Focus does not work. 095 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Quick Draw is selectable even if +1 BAB requirement is not met. 096 Cannot reproduce Silent Spell feat isn't working. 097 Misreported There is no ceiling (max 3) for number/power of enchantments put on crafted weapons. **Clarification: per the rules, you can add any number of enhancements to a weapon as long as the total plus value of all of them does not exceed +10. 098 Confirmed Crafting: CTDs occur when the name string exceeds maximum parameters. 099 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Crafted spell resistant armors do not have spell resistance. 100 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Shocking Burst is listed as cold damage; Icy Burst is listed as negative energy damage.
Re: Home of the Atari Buglist If somebody could take a look at this and verify there's nothing else going on there, I think we can mark it Misreported.
Re: Home of the Atari Buglist I wish this one was more specific. I know assorted Co8 patchs have fixed things like cross-classed skills for multi-class characters and such. What features aren't being considered when a character multiclasses? ADDRESSED - later reported bogus in the Atari bug thread ================================================== This is actually a problem with Greater Invisibility, and happens any time a PC provokes an AOO from an NPC under the effect of the spell. Liv's fix for this was to remove Greater Invisibilty from all NPC casters. Would be nice get it fixed in-engine, though. ADDRESSED - rephrased ================================================== Never stops is because the bard is considered to be continually singing until they do something that prevents singing (casting a spell, resting, falling unconcious, traveling overland) at which point it ends after 5 rounds, per the rules. The improving to +2 at 8th level was implemented in one of the new dll fixes, I believe. I'll double-check, but I'm pretty sure starting it counts as a standard action in the game. ADDRESSED ================================================== Again, not sure what the issue is. Per the rules, you can add any number of enhancements to a weapon as long as the total plus value of all of them does not exceed +10. If the game lets you a craft a "+11" weapon, then yes, there's a bug there. ADDRESSED
Bugs 101 - 150 101 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Further enhancements cannot be added to already magical shields. Masterwork shields work fine though. 102 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Clicking on Create button straightaway after selecting any already enchanted armor or shield gives it a +3 enhancement for free! 103 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Incorrect XP requirement for applying enhancements to already magical items: E.g. to make a +2 long sword into +2 shock should cost S/B the cost of the +2 shock - cost of +2 (720 - 320) = 400 Xp. Instead, it is 80 XP. It is taking it as though it is a +1 enhancement (since your bumping it up by 1), instead of the value of the what your making minus the original value. 104 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Widen spell doesn't work. It also only takes up a spell slot 1 level higher (not 3). 105 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Heighten spell increases spell DC by one less than it should. 106 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Skill focus: UMD is applied to Tumble. 107 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Skill focus: Perform does nothing. 108 Confirmed Shopkeepers repeat their barter lines when the barter screen opens. 109 Misreported Combat Reflexes should allow AoO even when flatfooted. 110 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Extend Spell does not work correctly. An extended spell may show 20/20 instead of 10/10 when cast initially but this drops to 9/10 after the first round. 111 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Spontaneous casters have their no. of spells castable decremented if they cast a spell known in their spont. caster class, regardless of source (ie sorceror who knows fireball using a wand of fireballs has lvl 3 spells castable decremented with each use. Same goes for casting spells from another class, ie: Bard/Sorc, Druid/Bard). May still be present with wands. 112 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 If you edit a metamagic spell to remove the metamagic feat, the spell disappears and is replaced with a copy of the spell prior to it on the spell list. 113 Confirmed For Sorcs: exchanging ray of enfeeblement for grease results in having an extra copy of enlarge person - seems to hold true for all spell replacement. 114 Confirmed Extended cleric spells converted to heals do not remove the spell from memory. 115 Confirmed Spells with secondary selection (spells requiring selection of a subtype) do not function properly when implemented as wands/scrolls. Such spells include, but may not be limited to: endure elements, summon monster (x), restoration spells, etc. 116 Confirmed Miscasting spells loses 2 spells instead of 1 for Sorcs and Bards. 117 Unconfirmed When casting Dismissal to interrupt an enemy spellcaster (for instance, a salamander) through Ready vs. Spell, the enemy spell still goes off even if the enemy is Dismissed. 118 Confirmed Spell-like abilities (salamander's fireball) are counterspellable. 119 Confirmed The interaction of freedom of movement and hold person is bugged. Freedom of movement correctly allows you to take actions while held. However, you still have the condition "held" and attempt Will saves every round to break free; on the round that you succeed, you are unable to act. So, you get actions if you fail the save; when you pass, you lose your turn and are rid of the hold. 120 121 Misreported No divination spells for 4th or 5th level. No illusion spells for 0 and 5th level. Transmuter also lacks 3rd level transmutation spells. (is CR). 122 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Specialist spellcasters who level have their specialist spell lists shifted to regular slots...Specialist Wizard : spell list changes order so wrong "bonus" spell appears. Simply going in and out of spell selection in the inventory seems to mess up spells for specialist wizards. The specialized spell jumps a slot, sometimes two leaving the slot filled with a spell from a different school. While testing I found all spells would stay in their place sometimes, or just one level of spells would stay in place, although I'm not sure why. Most of the time it seems to switch the spells around. 123 Misreported Scribing when pack completely full - no scroll scribed. That spell remain unscribable on repeat attempts . The item seems to be going into an unreachable slot. 124 Confirmed You can reattempt to copy a scroll which you failed the first time by failing to copy another scroll and then going back to the first one (new scroll flagged as Invalid). 125 Confirmed Call lightning: once resisted by SR, cannot damage target that resisted (even if successive checks fail). 126 Confirmed Charm person: acts like Dominate (should not make your allies attack you, even w/ AoO) Attacked creatures do not receive a +5 bonus for Will save Vs Charm Person . (?)enemies do not check for another save to break the charm. 127 Cannot reproduce Clairvoyance: once cast, when party moves the automap does not reflect the party's movements. 128 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Daze: checks for size instead of hit dice as criteria. 129 Misreported Death Ward: does not seem to work vs. Slay Living. 130 Confirmed Detect secret doors: not working (seems that many detect spells are problematic). 131 Fixed Co8 3.0.0 Dismissal: works against non-outsiders/non-undead (dismissed Paida). 132 Confirmed Divine Power: spell AB bonus does not stack with weapon enhancements. 133 Unconfirmed Doom: when cast by enemy casters stacks with itself. 134 Confirmed Spell permanency: Enlarge Person: if cast by NPC on a party member in combat, becomes permanent. 135 Misreported Enlarge person: does not increase weapon damage IE a longsword should move up from 1d8 to 2d6 damage. 136 Fixed: Co8 5.7.0 Enlarge Person: When it wears off, characters who equipped large weapons 1H while enlarged still wield them this way. 137 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Enlarge Person: Weapon reach does not increase. 138 Confirmed Enlarge Person: Stacks with Righteous Might, resulting in a character model two size categories larger than normal. 139 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 / Co8 5.0.2 Entangle/Web/Grease: enemies never/seldom attempt to break free. 140 Confirmed Gaseous Form: target can still perform melee attacks ; Characters had no problem attacking while in gaseous form, but the spell expired as soon as they did so. The spell also expires as soon as they are hit by an attack. 141 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Goodberries: stay in your inventory after use, each character can still only "USE" one a day , but they can use it on somebody else. 142 Confirmed Grease: trips the untrippable. 143 Confirmed Grease: doesn't check free action or ring of free action. 144 Cannot reproduce Grease: may have odd effects when cast over 2 rooms affecting NPCs only (marking as CNR unless someone can specify what the exact bug is). 145 Cannot reproduce Greater Invisibility: duration when casting from a wand lasts for 1 round. 146 Confirmed Greater Invisibility: Bonus to attack effect stack. 147 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Guidance: spell duration is 6 minutes (should be 1 min). 148 Confirmed Gust of Wind: does temporary stun opponents but they don't appear "knocked over" graphic wise, Creatures dont fall over till the end of battle even though dead. Small creatures such as goblins knocked over but sometimes bandits not knocked over. 149 Confirmed Color spray: see 148 description. 150 Confirmed Haste: Stacks when cast 2 times on same character (not targeting same character with 1 spell)(Slow may be similarly bugged as well).
Fixed with dllfix13. ADDRESSED ================================================== I'll have to double-check this, but I'm pretty sure this was fixed. The one problem I've noticed is coming in on a creature with reach from an "angle" seems to avoid the AOO. ADDRESSED ================================================== 111 Fixed with one of the recent dllfixes. At least the second class thing. Not sure about wands. First I've heard of that aspect of the bug. ADDRESSED ================================================== This was fixed by Liv by use of her Break Free potion work-around. It is still bugged in the engine itself, though. ADDRESSED
I double-checked. This isn't a problem anymore. Not sure when it was changed from a free action to a standard action, but that's how it works. All elements of this have been fixed or where never actually a problem as of Co8 5.0.2. ADDRESSED
Re: Bugs 001 - 050 Dominated undead become paralyzed after 24 hrs. This may occur after resting and/or travelling for that long. - as of 5.0.1 ADDRESSED ================================================== Summoned creatures should appear just after the caster in the initiative queue and act immediately. Sometimes though the creature appears and does not act, or appears elsewhere in the queue. - as of 5.0.1 ADDRESSED
Re: Bugs 051 - 100 I don't consider this a bug. It saves time for the player from having to search countless empty containers. ADDRESSED ================================================== The door near the throne doesn't lead anywhere. (the throne on the main level, not in her sanctum). Although if this is considered unimportant then ignore this. ADDRESSED ================================================== When the paladin first activates this ability, nothing is reported. Only on the next round, after scanning a certain area for a full round are evil creatures detected. This complies with the rules for Detect spells. http://www.wizards.com/d20/files/v35/SpellsD-E.rtf ADDRESSED ================================================== The icon does still disappear after a while. I believe that the duration of the "spell" was greatly increased, but if you rest for weeks at a time, it still "expires". Not a real issue though. - as of 5.0.1 ADDRESSED ================================================== I would guess that the aura is being treated as a bard song, and is expiring a few rounds after the paladin is out of range.
Bugs 151 - 200 151 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Ice Storm: lasts for 2 rounds (not 1) but deals damage once. 152 Misreported Invisibility: not giving any advantage save AC and initial bonus to hit. 153 Confirmed Invisibility: Status not affected by invisibility purge. 154 Confirmed Invisibility: Use of wands does not deactivate. 155 Misreported Invisibility: Erratic status when initiating dialogue. 156 Confirmed Invisibility Sphere: causes permanent invisibility for some party members on changing maps, graphics-wise and gameplay-wise. 157 Confirmed Magic Circle vs Evil: No +2 AC bonus for those within its 10' radius against evil creatures. 158 159 Unconfirmed Magic Circle vs Evil: Intermittent invulnerability also reported from non-summoned creatures. 160 Confirmed Mind Fog: incorrectly rolling vs. fortitude. Saves not implemented (targets always get -10 will saves). 161 Confirmed Magic Missile: can't hit mirror images. 162 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Mordekainen's Faithful Hound: they become permanent. 163 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Produce Flame: maximum bonus damage should be capped at +5. 164 Unconfirmed Protection From Evil: sometimes makes characters invulnerable to non-summoned creatures. 165 Confirmed Protection From Evil: Should only work vs natural attacks. Protection From Evil: Should not stop Balor's weapons. 166 167 Unconfirmed Protection From Evil: Should be cancelled once protected player attacks a summoned creature. 168 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Raise dead and con 1. Humans, Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, and Halflings all consistently receive -2 reduction in CON upon being raised. 2. Dwarves and Gnomes both consistently receive 0 reduction in CON upon being raised. (Both have +2 Constitution racial trait.) 3. Elves consistently receive -4 reduction in CON upon being raised. (Elves have -2 Consitution racial trait.) (Note re Elves: if CON reduced to below 0 via repeated raisings, number reduced jumps higher and CON goes into negative numbers. e.g., tested on pre-generated PC elf Malee, starting CON 8. First Raise Dead reduced CON to 4; Second Raise Dead reduced CON to -3.) 169 Cannot reproduce Raise Dead: raised characters sometimes only have Dex 1. 170 Confirmed Rays of Enfeeblement: cannot be empowered. 171 Confirmed Rays of Enfeeblement: should not stack. C. Also confirmed in the rules. 172 Fixed: Co8 7.5.0 Rays of Enfeeblement: Weapon Focus (Ray) gives no AB bonus. 173 Cannot reproduce. Rays of Enfeeblement: Point Blank Shot feat gives no bonus either. This has either been fixed or misreported 174 Misreported Remove Fear: doesn't work against Balor/Zuggi fear. NAB as the spell does not work in that manner. 175 Confirmed Righteous Might: penalizes the character twice for the size (-1 spell and -1 size). 176 Confirmed Righteous Might: does not give +4 natural AC bonus. 177 Fixed: Co8 5.0.2 Righteous Might: does not give longer reach. 178 Confirmed Righteous Might: gives +1 to hit. 179 Confirmed Shocking Grasp: damage deals d8/lvl up to 5d8 (should be d6/lvl up to 5D6). 180 Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 Sleet Storm: a PC who gets caught and slips, will get AoOed infinitely by an enemy, upon standing. 181 Fixed: Co8 5.0.0 Spiritual Weapon: does not bypass DR (I confirmed this after second patch on falrinth. Still a bug as of co83.0.1.) 182 Confirmed / Fixed: Co8 4.0.0 partial. Spiritual Weapon: AB not correctly implemented. 183 Confirmed Stinking Cloud: monsters do not exit cloud. 184 Confirmed Stinking Cloud: Nauseated creatures still make Attacks of opportunity but not normal attacks. 185 Confirmed Stinking Cloud: Sometimes killed creatures still make saving throws for stinking cloud. 186 Unconfirmed Web: Permanent Web upon failing last check. 187 Confirmed Essentially a duplicate of 037 Web: monsters who fail the save can continue to move if their final placement takes them outside the area of effect of the spell. **Clarification: Monsters failing a save while moving through a web are only held at the end of the move, not the beginning. If their move ends outside the spell area, they are not webbed at all. Also applies to Entangle. 188 Cannot reproduce Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Summon Monster 1. 189 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Resist Energy. 190 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Protection vs. Energy. 191 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Wind Wall. 192 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Animate Dead. 193 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Bestow Curse. 194 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Greater Invisibility. 195 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Contagion. 196 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Animal Growth. 197 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Blight. 198 Fixed: Co8 1.0.0 Cannot be scribed into spellbook: Dismissal. 199 Cannot reproduce Order's Wrath has no spell prerequisites for crafting. 200 Fixed: Co8 3.0.0 Neutralize Poison has no spell prerequisites for crafting.