I've spent my time recently trying to figure out why TemplePlus renders the timebar in the utility bar slightly differently from vanilla, even though we do it in EXACTLY the same way. See this image for the details: Why did I spend hours figuring this shit out :-[ The root cause by the way is that Vanilla actually expands the texture to 256x256 and somehow it repeats the lowest row to fill the void. This means even though it requests "WRAP" mode for drawing this image, on the Y-axis, it works like clamp.
This is also driving me crazy. The arrow on the utility bar is not actually pointing at the current time of day, rather the left edge is where the current time is:
Thankee for examining this thing which I never noticed much! Have you talked with @Sitra Achara about this?
I have, although he hadn't had a chance to respond yet. I might just go ahead and fix it once I have the time though.
I'm more interested in your second post. This could be a real change worth making to "fix" the perceived problem, because I agree, it's entirely intuitive that the arrow should be pointing to the TOD in the little picture. Could you change the calculation for the timebar position so that the arrow is pointing at the current TOD?
I hadn't actually realised it was an arrow at all... I figured it was a steeple, possibly the one on the Temple of Elemental Evil itself, or a Holy symbol for some faith or another.