Hello all: Thanks for the help with my last issue - worked good. Now then: I searched all over hell and back to get to the Prince Thrommel (Sp?) - cleared 3 dungeon levels. Finally went to Sorcerer's Place and looked at walkthrough. I know where he is now, but my Theif/Fighter is not noticing/finding the secret passage. She has great abilities for a theif, and is a level 5 in both classes. I went and got the n00b wizard from the Welcome Wench - as soon as I level him up, I will choose Detect Secret Doors from the spell list. Will this work or should I try something else? My 8th level wizard does not have access to this spell and I cannot find a scroll anywhere, including Burne... What should I do? Dex Ability up? Cha Ability up? Int Ability up? Level Theif up and choose Alertness feat? Choose Skill focus Spot? Must not let him become a vampire! Ahhhhhh. Man, I'm a nerd....lol
Dare I suggest that this recent thread may be of value? http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1594
I'm pretty sure the secret door for Prince Thrommel is a moveable piece of wall. Which means even if your party can't detect it, if you move your cursor along the wall until it turns into a hand, you can click on the secret door and open it.
Awesome clue, man and thanks. Problem is... I know the walkthru said "just before area #19, dungeon level 3" but where? North wall? South wall? And also, how do I use this scroll so I don't F**K it up? PS - Sorry for being such a ToEE n00b...lol They really need to address these bugs fully and test the patches before release...I'm not buying anymore of the games from these companies....
Thanks for another good suggestion - if it weren't for the players of this game and the independant mod makers, I would reall y be pissed about such a buggy product. Does Atari and friends even bother to try and play the game after their patches??? Anyway, I did try that in the window mode, but it did not come up with a hand symbol. I will try again in DOS mode, as sometimes the cursor will remain an arrow regardless. I have to loot in windows mode, due to I cannot fix this bug. Tried fresh reinstall, and the 3 suggested patches (Atari 2, Fan fixes, and the temple.dll) but to no avail. I gave up...
Spoiler for Thrommel....................... He's in a room to the west (might be slightly NW) of the room.
Thanks...I know I'm cheating a bit, but I rolled my own ability scores and have never used the console...yet. LOL Just so I get this straight: Room #19 (weapon room of some sorts?) - If I'm right before entering this room, in the narrowed hall way, his room is slightly NW...correct? Has anyone never got rewarded for his release due to bugs? Is there a way to get his reward and both Chaotic swords of power? I know Scather will be mine after around 30 days but will he give me the other one?
only way for you to get his sword is for him to die otherwise he wont give it up. i let him keep it as it causes problems later in the game and makes it to easy anyway