anyone else play with that evil much?, Ive discovered some interesting quirks. so im experimenting with my boars and stuff and differnt AI strats for them and one think that keeps coming up is annoying me. most of the time when boars make a "charge" attack as i give the option in the AI they will initate a non leathal attack at after it grrrrrrrrrrrr..... i dont want this i had variations of threatened , charge, attack threatened...................... threatened , attack threatened, charge................. target closest, charge, attack, ............................ ( should force a leathal attack>>??) most time they charge around great! even tried falnking and target damaged with successful test i had em charging once properly with correct end attacks but that non leathal attack came back after a few more trys........... annoys me to heck. im beginning to wonder if you need to recreating mobiles, after each time you change the AI for them to inherit the ai correctly. any ideas?
No the strategy always comes form, What natural attack type are they using (Bite? Claw?) did you try giving them improved unarmed attack (bite/claw) to match thier attack type?
they attack totaly as they should allyx (gore)........ unless after a charge attack they always seem to inflict non leathal for that single attack then go back to normal gore attacks as per normal. its odd.
It may be that the charge attack option is expecting an equipped weapon to attack with, without the weapon it makes an unarmed attack (causeing non-lethal damage), you may have to loose the charge attack option in favour of a move/attack or flank/attack combination.