Allow me to translate from the original speech, "Idiot," from the pecular sub-speech "AOHeller," with the dialect modifier "Too f**kin' lazy to properly use the English Language." "Dear friends, I am in a grave condundrum. Whilst playing the game Greyhawk; The Temple of Elemental Evil, I happened to purchase the Staff of Life at Mother Screngs' shop in Nulb, but I am at a loss as to how to utilize this potent object of magic. Your timely assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated."
Long descriptions of items can be accessed by shift-clicking it. {4138}{Staff of life is a magic staff that allows the wielder to cast Heal and Raise Dead. It is charged.} I think it needs to be wielded before a tab for Heal and Raise Dead appears. With a cleric it appears to work fine but fighters and mages don't seem to be able to access these options. While it is polite to use proper punctuation/spelling/grammar on open boards such as these, do understand that we all come from differing backgrounds and ages where English may not be a first language. So here's an appeal to board members to be more civil and tolerant of others while posting. Thanks.