St. Cuthbert punishes Elmo (possible small spoiler)

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Alatar, Jun 17, 2005.

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  1. Alatar

    Alatar Member

    May 31, 2005
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    This must be a bug, but it made me laugh :giggle: . My party was fighting Hedrack and co. and Iuz shows up and sneak attacks Elmo killing him. As usual, Cuthbert shows up and before Iuz and Cuthbert go off to 'discuss' whatever it is that gods discuss, Cuthbert heals everyone (including Elmo). Only thing is Elmo shows up in the character portrait on the bottom of the screen (with full HP), but not in the top combat part. After the smoke clears it seems everyone is ok but Elmo is invisible! He is just a circle (no invisibilty spells cast or anything, he's just not there) I go to a different map and he's still invisible. I get into a fight and Elmo isnt there, he's a circle, but he cant fight. Again he's on the bottom but not along the top... I like to think that Elmo (in a drunken state) has done something to make Cuthbert angry (possibly an indescretion in his new church?) and is now paying the price; destined to wander Greyhawk as a powerless ghost :giggle:
  2. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    That's great that you can be such a sport and come up with a cool role playing explanation for a bug. But make no mistake, that's a bug you're dealing with, not some brilliant coding surprise where Cuthbert directed his wrath against Elmo.

    Hopefully you have a recent save to go back to.

    Pleasant travels.
  3. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Sounds familiar. Gaear, you recall all that weirdness I was dealing with involving patch 3? It began following a similar divine experience. It's got to be related to video drivers, dx9, or some such. Even Atatri patch 3 was suspect. My whole party was like this (except they were only invisible in the nodes), and the visual effects in the nodes were strange too. I could fight, but I couldn't see to do the fighting, so it was very bad. Outside of the nodes, the characters were ethereal in appearance, and objects were solid, so things looked rather inside out and/or backwards.

    It went away with a new game, I'm sorry to say...'cause I had to quit the one I was in.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yeah, I remember. I believe that was during your LSD period? :smoke: :heart:

    Actually, Alatar's problem sounds more like the pre-Liv kill/charm an NPC and have them go goofy conundrum. Alatar, what patches and/or mods do you have installed?
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I had a situation like that where i had this empty circle follow me around, went into combat like a fiend too, I thought someone had granted me an invisible stalker geased to protect me or something. In hindsite, it MIGHT have been an NPC i lost track of ;) Went away after a while.
  6. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I had this problem too (with Zaxis and Wonnilon) with Livonya's 1.5.1, the problem is that Livonya "fixed" animate dead so npc's can use it. so Iuz now animates dead npc's, then St Cuthbert resurrects and heals all pc's and npc's, but you can't resurrect the undead! Hence your problem - I discussed this problem with Livonya and come up with a few possable solutions, she say's it'll be fixed in v2.0.
  7. Alatar

    Alatar Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Yeah Allyx, that must be it cause I am using patches 1,2 and temple zip. plus Liv's 1.5.1.

    I am interested as to what the solution will be. I suppose it will partly be dictated by what can be done technically (something I know very little about) but in terms of gameplay perhaps Cuthbert shouldn't be allowed to change NPC's back from their undead state if Iuz has already turned them into zombies? it seems to me that in a pantheistic world it doesn't make sense for numerous divinities to be omnipotent. They have to have their limitations, different abilities and personas in order for tensions to be generated and then resolved (thus creating storylines like ToEE). I tend to think this is what they had in mind when creating pnp dnd, but don't know enough about it to say really. Regardless, I think it would be cool (and in keeping with dnd cosmology) to see the dead NPC's turn into and stay zombies (if thats at all possible). That way the party would perhaps have to fight their former ally (injecting a bit more drama into the story). Or, even better, would be if the undead npc's recognised the party from their former life and shuffled around pathetically after them trying to help, until they were either put out of their misery by the pc's or killed in combat. :cool2:

    On another note, I think its amazing that Liv and the rest of you are doing so much work to both fix and improve this game! I don't even mind the bugs anymore, I just wait with curiosity to see how you guys will fix them! It warms my heart (and appeals to my anarcho-syndicalist tendencies) to see a group of clever people taking matters into their own hands, working voluntarily and cooperatively (without capitalist rewards) to make something that the rest of us are enjoying immensely. Thanks guys! :notworthy
  8. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    I use the "die" console command and wait untill the NPC die, then I loot him, kick him out from party, use console to summon him and then again the console to restore lost XPs.
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