Hi, after crafting some magic armor in my 8 PCs test-party, I realized that all characters equiped with the armors with spell resistance 13 - almost useless, I would say - have the writing Magic resistance 0 when I click on them with the mouse, on the map screen. Is it just a visual but and the armors effectively keep their magic resistance or effectively I just lost gold and moneys to add that attribute to them?
Yeah it's well known alright, and what's more I don't think anyone has a clue how to fix it, although I have added plenty of new items which will add spell resistance, Scarabs of protection (also does negative energy protection), robes of the arch magi (also +5 ac and inflicts negative levels if you wear the wrong one!) also the greatsword Excaliber gives spell resistance, but you have to use the console to get that one!
I would really like to try them, but the console command that there is in another post doesn't work. Would you be so kind to post the command that you use to set items in the party inventory and the ID numbers of the items that you modified and/or created? I would like to test them and give you my opionion. But there is still the temple.dll problem. Mattia
for a US keyboard you use shift ~ to open the console for my UK keyboard I use shift ¬ (thats the button directly below escape) as for the numbers, I'm not at home right now but I think thy are 12669 (scarab of protection), The robes of the archmagi are numbered 12670 (white) 12671 (grey) and (black) 12672, but if your not using my files, that you said you were having problems with it wont work. they weren't in livonya's 1.0 beta, but will be in the 1.5 version.