This is post about new module idea - Skirmish. There is one official book in D&D 3.5 family - Miniatures Handbook. It contains rules for Player vs Player D&D play. One of rulesets are called Skirmish. Essentially Players create warband from predefined sets of characters. There are several different sets like Harbinger etc. Player has 100 points, which he can use to "buy" characters from the Set for his warband (prices range from 5 to 50 etc). So this new module would allow a Player to fight against AI "Player" who randomly picks his warband as well. Currently I'm preoccupied with KotC module development. So perhaps someone could be interested to try?
Just a thought: as of next version, you can enable "control NPCs" option in DM and connect via remote desktop/teamviewer, et voila, you have pvp